How The Politicians Snuff The Cash Out Of Your Pocket
Campaigning is a major exercise undertaken by politicians to inform and educate the electorate about their candidacy, their policies and their party's promises with the sole aim of winning their votes in the election.
Door-to-Door campaigning, political meetings, and fund-raisers are some of the traditional campaign techniques adopted by politicians.
To know how the present-day politicians use all possible means of communication to spread their message far and wide read on.
Some popular political campaign techniques being used are:
Door-to-Door campaigning, political meetings, and fund-raisers are some of the traditional campaign techniques adopted by politicians.
To know how the present-day politicians use all possible means of communication to spread their message far and wide read on.
Some popular political campaign techniques being used are:
- Astro turfing : It is a form of public relations campaign used in politics and advertising that seeks to create the impression of being spontaneous, grassroots behavior, hence the reference to astro-turf.
In other words, it is a planned and managed activity but shows itself as natural occurrence. - Attack Ad : In political campaigns, an attack ad is an advertisement whose message aims at attacking another party or candidate and is also referred to as negative campaigning or smear campaign.
- Campaign Advertising : It refers to the use of paid media like newspapers, radio, television, internet, etc.
, to influence the decisions made for and by groups.
These ads are carefully designed by political consultants and campaign staff. - Compliance Professional : He is an expert at influencing the intended subjects, in the case of politician's - the voters, through use of various means like social proof, logical fallacies, etc.
, with the intent to gain their approval for our desired course of action. - Dirty Tricks : Using electoral dirty tricks like leaking sensitive information deliberately, digging into a candidate's past are favorite campaign tricks of politicians.
- Fear Mongering : It refers to the use of fear to leverage the opinions and actions of others towards some end.
- Name Recognition : This technique is used in politics to describe number of people who are aware of a politician.
It is a important factor in determining winning ability of a candidate. - Political leak : It refers to release of secret or confidential information to the public without official authorization and without acknowledging the source of the leak.
- Push Poll : It is a political campaign technique in which an individual or organization attempts to influence or alter the views of respondents under the guise of conducting a poll.
- Whisper Campaign : It is a method of persuasion in which damaging rumors are spread about the target, while the source of the rumor avoids being detected, while spreading them.