How to Get Puffy Paint Out of a Carpet
- 1). Scrape the excess puffy paint carefully off the carpet with the blunt edge of a butter knife. Wipe the paint off the butter knife with a paper towel after each pass.
- 2). Pour 2 cups of lukewarm water in a container, and mix 1 tbsp. of dish soap in the water. Dip a white cloth in the soapy solution, and blot the remaining puffy paint until it's gone. Continue if the paint remains.
- 3). Apply several drops of rubbing alcohol to a clean, white cloth until it's well-saturated. Blot the remaining puffy paint stains with the cloth in a vigorous motion until you remove all the paint from the carpet.
- 4). Remove the rubbing alcohol residue from the carpet by blotting with a damp cloth. Then, pat the carpet dry with a clean towel.