Gemini New Moon - Are You Listening?
The Gemini new moon is asking us to listen to our inner voice and wisdom.
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron, and the Moons Nodes are all at the exact degree with another planet.
Even Pluto who is at 2 degrees of Capricorn is only one degree away from our Sun Moon conjunction at 3 degrees of Gemini.
What does this mean? The planets are colluding, no seriously when planets are at the same degree there is a connection that is deep and interwoven.
Saturn is unaspected, which means wild and unpredictable, do not let fear get out of control.
Venus is in Aries, and semi square the Sun, you may find frustration that your job is getting in the way of what you love, or your lover is getting in the way of your career ambition, and aspirations.
This new moon carries with it a gift to help us uncover different aspects of ourselves that may be hidden or have another agenda than what we think we want.
Where in your life do you say one thing but do another that doesn't support what you say you want? Take the time to examine these parts of yourself and you will uncover the hidden agenda and resolve many issues.
Gemini by nature is here to give us another option, as if he is prompting us to consider how life would be like if we lived in another state or county, had a different job, had taken another road.
The new moon is connected with Pluto by quincunx, a quincunx is 150% apart, it is what I call the spy aspect, it is not a direct head on connection, but one planet hidden, peeking from behind a corner to see what the other guy is up to.
And Pluto is the spy to boot.
So with this new moon in Gemini, the concept of considering other options in your road in life, this month is good to quietly, and secretly (the whole world doesn't need to know what you are tossing around in your mind) question your life and see what you might want to change.
Jupiter Neptune and Chiron are all at 26 degrees of Aquarius, and Uranus is at 26 degrees of Pisces.
It is time to heal our wounds.
If you ever have felt victimized or cheated by life, this is the month to let go of the wounds, heal and see the blessing in what was and what could be.
This is a very spiritual energy and gift; it is our time to honor a spiritual path, especially through words.
(Gemini) Mercury is still retrograde, and at 24 degrees of Taurus; Mars is at 24 degrees of Aries, harsh words that stick can have consequences, think before you speak.
The sun and moon at 3 degrees of Gemini is connected to the moons nodes at 3 degrees of Leo Aquarius.
This new moon gives us the opportunity to reconnect and realign our thoughts and our life with what we want our life purpose and destiny to be.
Remember every new moon gives us the opportunity to change our life, it is possible when you work with the vibration of the planets to completely alter and have the life you want in one years time.
(perhaps sooner however one year gives you each month to master the parts of life that each new moon rules) Even if you love your life, you will benefit from working with the new moons.
Gemini is about handling your communication, papers, learning tricks that help you in day to day life such as how to work your cell phone with all those gadgets.
Imagine you life with all your papers in order, filed, and organized.
Imagine having time to read the books on your list, and have mastered all the programs and gadgets that would make your life easier if you only knew how to work that thing.
How to use the energy of this new moon 1.
)acknowledge the options in your life, not to feel you need to take another road but know that there are other roads to be on and contemplate the possibilities.
)Write down what you would like to learn that would make your life easier, you don't need to master it in a month, you have until the next new moon in Gemini to let it unfold, (2010) 3.
)Connect with friends, call up people that you have been thinking about.
)Pay attention to your beliefs and thoughts, are they supportive? Replace outdated programming with constructive helpful belief system.
)Be kind to your hands (Gemini rules hands) 6.
)Breathe deeply, every day do a few minutes of yogic breath (pranayama) 7.
)Question your life, why do you do what you do? Is there an easier way? 8.
)Delve deep with questions, keep asking yourself the what ifs? What if I did what I really wanted to do? Listen for the answer, then ask again so what if that happened, and continue to uncover the fear, let go, and heal.
)Gemini is the trickster, sometimes it is more productive to "trick" ourselves into being and doing what is best for us.
Where can you use the trickster on yourself to motivate and cajole your stubborn side into something that you know you want? Every month we have the great good fortune to tap into the message of the universe to help us have the life we want.
Astrologers have the unique blessing to be able to understand the language of Astrology.
You too can learn to be your own astrologer by understanding the rhythm of the zodiac.
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron, and the Moons Nodes are all at the exact degree with another planet.
Even Pluto who is at 2 degrees of Capricorn is only one degree away from our Sun Moon conjunction at 3 degrees of Gemini.
What does this mean? The planets are colluding, no seriously when planets are at the same degree there is a connection that is deep and interwoven.
Saturn is unaspected, which means wild and unpredictable, do not let fear get out of control.
Venus is in Aries, and semi square the Sun, you may find frustration that your job is getting in the way of what you love, or your lover is getting in the way of your career ambition, and aspirations.
This new moon carries with it a gift to help us uncover different aspects of ourselves that may be hidden or have another agenda than what we think we want.
Where in your life do you say one thing but do another that doesn't support what you say you want? Take the time to examine these parts of yourself and you will uncover the hidden agenda and resolve many issues.
Gemini by nature is here to give us another option, as if he is prompting us to consider how life would be like if we lived in another state or county, had a different job, had taken another road.
The new moon is connected with Pluto by quincunx, a quincunx is 150% apart, it is what I call the spy aspect, it is not a direct head on connection, but one planet hidden, peeking from behind a corner to see what the other guy is up to.
And Pluto is the spy to boot.
So with this new moon in Gemini, the concept of considering other options in your road in life, this month is good to quietly, and secretly (the whole world doesn't need to know what you are tossing around in your mind) question your life and see what you might want to change.
Jupiter Neptune and Chiron are all at 26 degrees of Aquarius, and Uranus is at 26 degrees of Pisces.
It is time to heal our wounds.
If you ever have felt victimized or cheated by life, this is the month to let go of the wounds, heal and see the blessing in what was and what could be.
This is a very spiritual energy and gift; it is our time to honor a spiritual path, especially through words.
(Gemini) Mercury is still retrograde, and at 24 degrees of Taurus; Mars is at 24 degrees of Aries, harsh words that stick can have consequences, think before you speak.
The sun and moon at 3 degrees of Gemini is connected to the moons nodes at 3 degrees of Leo Aquarius.
This new moon gives us the opportunity to reconnect and realign our thoughts and our life with what we want our life purpose and destiny to be.
Remember every new moon gives us the opportunity to change our life, it is possible when you work with the vibration of the planets to completely alter and have the life you want in one years time.
(perhaps sooner however one year gives you each month to master the parts of life that each new moon rules) Even if you love your life, you will benefit from working with the new moons.
Gemini is about handling your communication, papers, learning tricks that help you in day to day life such as how to work your cell phone with all those gadgets.
Imagine you life with all your papers in order, filed, and organized.
Imagine having time to read the books on your list, and have mastered all the programs and gadgets that would make your life easier if you only knew how to work that thing.
How to use the energy of this new moon 1.
)acknowledge the options in your life, not to feel you need to take another road but know that there are other roads to be on and contemplate the possibilities.
)Write down what you would like to learn that would make your life easier, you don't need to master it in a month, you have until the next new moon in Gemini to let it unfold, (2010) 3.
)Connect with friends, call up people that you have been thinking about.
)Pay attention to your beliefs and thoughts, are they supportive? Replace outdated programming with constructive helpful belief system.
)Be kind to your hands (Gemini rules hands) 6.
)Breathe deeply, every day do a few minutes of yogic breath (pranayama) 7.
)Question your life, why do you do what you do? Is there an easier way? 8.
)Delve deep with questions, keep asking yourself the what ifs? What if I did what I really wanted to do? Listen for the answer, then ask again so what if that happened, and continue to uncover the fear, let go, and heal.
)Gemini is the trickster, sometimes it is more productive to "trick" ourselves into being and doing what is best for us.
Where can you use the trickster on yourself to motivate and cajole your stubborn side into something that you know you want? Every month we have the great good fortune to tap into the message of the universe to help us have the life we want.
Astrologers have the unique blessing to be able to understand the language of Astrology.
You too can learn to be your own astrologer by understanding the rhythm of the zodiac.