The Results Of Using Home Teeth Whitening Products
Home teeth whitening kits are very popular at the moment because not many people can afford to get their teeth professionally whitened by their dentist. It is easy to see why because they are generally around a tenth of the price, and give equally good results. The question is how long do the results actually last?
Well before I address this question I should point out that there are many different products on the market and the results will vary somewhat. The fact is that some whitening products may not work at all for you. Indeed some products are quickly discontinued by certain people because they cause too much pain and sensitivity in the teeth and gums. So the results of any product are not guaranteed at all.
However a lot of the DIY kits do give pretty good results on the whole and as long as you do not have overly sensitive teeth (or are prepared to put up with some discomfort for a few weeks), you should notice that your teeth are visibly whiter at the end of the treatment period.
Unfortunately the results of teeth whitening are not permanent, but this is the case with professionally administered treatments as well. They will require touching up every so often, but this isn't that much of an issue.
You should find that the results will generally last anywhere between 6 months and 2 years on average. A lot depends on the quality of the product, the strength of the whitening gel and the length of time that you use a particular product. The premium products should certainly give you whiter teeth for a year or two.
A lot depends on your lifestyle as well because the more you stain your teeth, the quicker your teeth will return to their previous state. So if you smoke quite a lot, drink lots of tea and coffee, and drink red wine, for example, the results will obviously not last anywhere near as long as someone who doesn't smoke and doesn't consume any of these things.
I myself use home whitening kits and the results for me always last at least a year, and it's usually around 18 months before I think about purchasing another home whitening product. I don't smoke and only drink one or two cups of tea a day, so I am more than happy with the results.
So the point is that you can generally expect the results of home whitening kits to last for one or two years on average. However the results will vary depending on both your individual lifestyle and the actual product that you decide to use.
Well before I address this question I should point out that there are many different products on the market and the results will vary somewhat. The fact is that some whitening products may not work at all for you. Indeed some products are quickly discontinued by certain people because they cause too much pain and sensitivity in the teeth and gums. So the results of any product are not guaranteed at all.
However a lot of the DIY kits do give pretty good results on the whole and as long as you do not have overly sensitive teeth (or are prepared to put up with some discomfort for a few weeks), you should notice that your teeth are visibly whiter at the end of the treatment period.
Unfortunately the results of teeth whitening are not permanent, but this is the case with professionally administered treatments as well. They will require touching up every so often, but this isn't that much of an issue.
You should find that the results will generally last anywhere between 6 months and 2 years on average. A lot depends on the quality of the product, the strength of the whitening gel and the length of time that you use a particular product. The premium products should certainly give you whiter teeth for a year or two.
A lot depends on your lifestyle as well because the more you stain your teeth, the quicker your teeth will return to their previous state. So if you smoke quite a lot, drink lots of tea and coffee, and drink red wine, for example, the results will obviously not last anywhere near as long as someone who doesn't smoke and doesn't consume any of these things.
I myself use home whitening kits and the results for me always last at least a year, and it's usually around 18 months before I think about purchasing another home whitening product. I don't smoke and only drink one or two cups of tea a day, so I am more than happy with the results.
So the point is that you can generally expect the results of home whitening kits to last for one or two years on average. However the results will vary depending on both your individual lifestyle and the actual product that you decide to use.