How to Prepare Bermuda Grass for Spring
- 1). Test the soil in early spring. Check your local cooperative extension for how to do this and what it will cost. The soil test may take a couple of months to come back so start this early.
- 2). Amend the soil after the test results are back. The soil pH should be between 6.0 and 8.5. Add lime to increase it or aluminum sulfate to decrease the pH.
- 3). Rake the lawn well to remove thatch. This will help light and air get to the newly emerging Bermudagrass.
- 4). Fertilize the Bermudagrass with a fertilizer high in nitrogen such as 4-1-3 NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.) Do not give Bermudagrass a fertilizer high in potassium or the grass will take up more than it needs.
- 5). Water the Bermudagrass. In spring this grass needs about an inch of water every 10 days. When summer arrives give it about an inch of rain per week.
- 6). Remove any emerging weeds from the Bermudagrass before they become invasive.