Home Remedies For Sinus Infection - How Sinus Infection Can Be Easily Controlled at Home
The weather turns cold and many people come down with sinus.
Sinus cavity becomes blocked with thick mucous and it becomes a medium for bacteria to multiply and cause chronic sinus problem.
Running watery mucous from the nose, sore throat, headache, blocked nasal passage and even fever are some of the distress and pain that people have to put up with when they suffer from sinus.
Many people are frustrated with the use of allopathic treatment for the infection the problem re occurs within few months.
Every surgery to open blocked passages is not very successful to a large extent.
There are many home remedies for sinus infection that can give the patient a good relief and many a times helps in over coming the infection.
Most of the ingredients for home remedies are easily available in our kitchens.
First all kind of mucous forming food must be deleted from our diet.
It helps to a great extent.
People suffering from sinus must keep themselves warm and have warm liquid throughout the day, in the form of chicken soup etc.
Hot compression on the sinus too helps to a great extent as it opens up blocked congestion.
Some of the home remedies for sinus infection are GINGER (Zingiber officinalis) or black MUSTARD (Brassica nigra) which help restore circulation in the blocked nasal passage.
The apple cider vinegar is said to be a good home remedy.
Two table spoon of the vinegar taken with water give quite a good relief.
Must take it 3-4 times a day.
Even inhalation of the vapor from the bottle is said to give good relief.
Steam inhalation with eucalyptus oil is a natural home remedy for sinus infection.
Warm Salt water irrigation of the nose too helps open the nasal passage and bring down the inflammation.
A special pot known as the Neti Pot is available for the purpose.
Having Vitamin C supplements or having food enriched with the vitamin helps to keep the infection at bay.
2 teaspoon Grape fruit seed extract with water helps to kill the infection.
Sinus cavity becomes blocked with thick mucous and it becomes a medium for bacteria to multiply and cause chronic sinus problem.
Running watery mucous from the nose, sore throat, headache, blocked nasal passage and even fever are some of the distress and pain that people have to put up with when they suffer from sinus.
Many people are frustrated with the use of allopathic treatment for the infection the problem re occurs within few months.
Every surgery to open blocked passages is not very successful to a large extent.
There are many home remedies for sinus infection that can give the patient a good relief and many a times helps in over coming the infection.
Most of the ingredients for home remedies are easily available in our kitchens.
First all kind of mucous forming food must be deleted from our diet.
It helps to a great extent.
People suffering from sinus must keep themselves warm and have warm liquid throughout the day, in the form of chicken soup etc.
Hot compression on the sinus too helps to a great extent as it opens up blocked congestion.
Some of the home remedies for sinus infection are GINGER (Zingiber officinalis) or black MUSTARD (Brassica nigra) which help restore circulation in the blocked nasal passage.
The apple cider vinegar is said to be a good home remedy.
Two table spoon of the vinegar taken with water give quite a good relief.
Must take it 3-4 times a day.
Even inhalation of the vapor from the bottle is said to give good relief.
Steam inhalation with eucalyptus oil is a natural home remedy for sinus infection.
Warm Salt water irrigation of the nose too helps open the nasal passage and bring down the inflammation.
A special pot known as the Neti Pot is available for the purpose.
Having Vitamin C supplements or having food enriched with the vitamin helps to keep the infection at bay.
2 teaspoon Grape fruit seed extract with water helps to kill the infection.