Tire Care
Your safety depends on your tires probably more than any other item on your rig.
Imagine a blowout on one of your front tires.
It could cause you to lose control of your vehicle and run off the road or in to an oncoming truck.
So it is especially important to take proper care of them to insure years of safe service.
You should check your tires as part of your routine checks before you take it on any trip.
Be sure they are properly inflated and that they do not have any nails in them or excessive weather checking.
Check them each morning during extended travel.
They should also be checked at least once per month during storage.
The heat generated during travel can increase pressure as much as 8 psi so be sure to check them with a tire gauge when they are cold.
When you make a pit stop it is a good idea to touch your tires, if one is noticeably warmer than the rest it can mean that it is low.
On the side wall of your tire you can find the following information: Tire size Maximum load capacity (for tire not axel) Minimum cold air inflation pressure for the maximum load Your tires take a beating quite literally.
Vibrating tires can be caused by problems with your vehicles suspension, steering or out of balance tires.
These problems if not resolved can cause uneven wear.
Tire balancing should be done by the tire installer at the time of purchase.
It involves putting small weights on the tire to eliminate tire vibrations.
While under inflation can result in excessive wear to the outer edge, over heating and damage to the side wall, over inflation can reduce the tire's ability to stand up to road impacts.
How long should your tires last? Replace your tires when or before the tread is even with the wear bars or your tire.
These are narrow strips of smooth rubber.
If you don't have wear bars use the penny test.
Take an Abraham Lincoln penny and stick Abe's head down into the tread head first.
If you can see the top of Abe's head, you have 1/16th or less tread depth and you need to replace your tires.
Many RVers have their rigs in storage much of the year, therefore they don't put many miles on their tires.
When comparing tires for purchase, estimate how many miles you average a year.
The mileage warranty gives a rough guide as to how many miles you expect to get out of the tires.
It is important to remember however, that tires don't last forever.
They should be replaced every 8 years regardless of wear.
Imagine a blowout on one of your front tires.
It could cause you to lose control of your vehicle and run off the road or in to an oncoming truck.
So it is especially important to take proper care of them to insure years of safe service.
You should check your tires as part of your routine checks before you take it on any trip.
Be sure they are properly inflated and that they do not have any nails in them or excessive weather checking.
Check them each morning during extended travel.
They should also be checked at least once per month during storage.
The heat generated during travel can increase pressure as much as 8 psi so be sure to check them with a tire gauge when they are cold.
When you make a pit stop it is a good idea to touch your tires, if one is noticeably warmer than the rest it can mean that it is low.
On the side wall of your tire you can find the following information: Tire size Maximum load capacity (for tire not axel) Minimum cold air inflation pressure for the maximum load Your tires take a beating quite literally.
Vibrating tires can be caused by problems with your vehicles suspension, steering or out of balance tires.
These problems if not resolved can cause uneven wear.
Tire balancing should be done by the tire installer at the time of purchase.
It involves putting small weights on the tire to eliminate tire vibrations.
While under inflation can result in excessive wear to the outer edge, over heating and damage to the side wall, over inflation can reduce the tire's ability to stand up to road impacts.
How long should your tires last? Replace your tires when or before the tread is even with the wear bars or your tire.
These are narrow strips of smooth rubber.
If you don't have wear bars use the penny test.
Take an Abraham Lincoln penny and stick Abe's head down into the tread head first.
If you can see the top of Abe's head, you have 1/16th or less tread depth and you need to replace your tires.
Many RVers have their rigs in storage much of the year, therefore they don't put many miles on their tires.
When comparing tires for purchase, estimate how many miles you average a year.
The mileage warranty gives a rough guide as to how many miles you expect to get out of the tires.
It is important to remember however, that tires don't last forever.
They should be replaced every 8 years regardless of wear.