How to Digivolve to Saber Leomon in "Digimon World 1" for PlayStation?
- 1). Walk into your "Tamer House" and press the "X" button once you are near the "DigiFarm PC" on the table on the left wall of the room.
- 2). Scroll down the list of options and press the "X" button over the "Digvolution Route" option.
- 3). Highlight "Saber Leomon" and press "X" to select it.
- 4). Highlight the white hexagon in the "Saber Leomon" screen and press "X."
- 5). Select the "Digivolve" option from the list and choose "OK" to digivolve Saber Leomon. Once confirmed, Saber Leomon will digivolve to "Dinotigemon."