Finishing Touches of the Indoor Bulb Garden
Moss or colored stones can be added over the surface of the growing medium at the time of planting or once the bulbs have started to shoot, to give the bowl that final finishing touch.
Ordinary lawn mosses makes a soft, green topping, but, if you want a more vibrant color, choose some dyed reindeer moss, which is obtainable from florists.
Gravel or horticultural grit give a natural finish, but for a more colorful display that perhaps tones in with your indoor decorations use colored stones, such as those sold for fish tanks, as a more exciting alternatives.
A thin layer scattered on the surface of the compost soil mix will make a neat addition, especially while you wait for the bulbs to flower.
To give bulbs that are being brought into flower for Christmas or the New Year festivities a seasonal look, you might like to add nuts or fir cones or even decorate pots with silver painted walnuts or glittery fleece.
Starry wire decoration, glass droplets and gift wrappings tape are all possible extras.
Look around your cupboards, there is sure to be something you can use.
Another possible decorative addition is candles, which will add atmosphere to any dark winter's night and can even make the container pretty long before all the flowers open.
Fit them into a simple candle holder with a plastic spike on the end as these are readily available from florists and gently push them into the compost.
Never leave lit candles unattended.
An alternative approach is to use crushed horticultural grit with some of your favorite shells arranged on top.
Plain beech twigs provide useful supports for floppy freesia foliage.
Put them round the edge of the pot.
Ordinary lawn mosses makes a soft, green topping, but, if you want a more vibrant color, choose some dyed reindeer moss, which is obtainable from florists.
Gravel or horticultural grit give a natural finish, but for a more colorful display that perhaps tones in with your indoor decorations use colored stones, such as those sold for fish tanks, as a more exciting alternatives.
A thin layer scattered on the surface of the compost soil mix will make a neat addition, especially while you wait for the bulbs to flower.
To give bulbs that are being brought into flower for Christmas or the New Year festivities a seasonal look, you might like to add nuts or fir cones or even decorate pots with silver painted walnuts or glittery fleece.
Starry wire decoration, glass droplets and gift wrappings tape are all possible extras.
Look around your cupboards, there is sure to be something you can use.
Another possible decorative addition is candles, which will add atmosphere to any dark winter's night and can even make the container pretty long before all the flowers open.
Fit them into a simple candle holder with a plastic spike on the end as these are readily available from florists and gently push them into the compost.
Never leave lit candles unattended.
An alternative approach is to use crushed horticultural grit with some of your favorite shells arranged on top.
Plain beech twigs provide useful supports for floppy freesia foliage.
Put them round the edge of the pot.