Longeing With The Help Of Briddles And Whips
Among the many types of apparel that are being required for the horse riding and that are armed to the horse Bridles and whips have a good importance. A bridle is used to direct the horse. It has a bit that is used to be place into the mouth of the horse and also is attached to the reins. Bridles are used to exert a pressure on the sensitive areas in the nose of the horse and thus this pressure is used to direct and control the horse. Indian Horse Whips
is a riding whip which is being used during horse training to give commands to the horses by tapping them. It is also used to create loud sound to provide them the direction.
Both these bridles and whips are used for Longeing which is a technique used for training horses. In Longeing the horse is asked to work at the end of a long line and is also asked to respond to commands from the handler on the ground that holds the line. As the Bridle is associated with the nose of the horse, it may react badly if not handled in the proper manner. The best way is to run the longe line through the inside bit ring and attach it to the outside bit ring. Every time when the horse changes its direction, this attachment of lines requires it to be changed. This works by raising the bit up and exerting a pressure on the corners of mouth and putting a lateral pressure. This is best for the trainer, when he is longening a rider and for the horses that pulls more, to get a maximum control of the horse.
During longeing the whip acts as a riders leg asking the horse to move in a specified direction, like move forward or move out etc. During this process, the whip should be held with the tip low, pointing towards the horses hocks and at this time, the lash should be dragging on the ground. Whip should be handled in the opposite hand to the direction in which horse is moving. For example- if horse is moving in left direction, whip should be handled in right hand of the rider. Some of the different ways in which the whip is being used are-
-Pointing the whip at the shoulder of the horse means to make the horse move out or stop him from moving inward on the circle.
- Pointing whips at hocks of the horse ask for the increased speed from the horse.
- Pointing whip in front of head of the horse means asking him to be slow.
- Whip is being cracked when the horse refuses to move forward. Although cracking of whips should be avoided to its fullest. Etc.
is a riding whip which is being used during horse training to give commands to the horses by tapping them. It is also used to create loud sound to provide them the direction.
Both these bridles and whips are used for Longeing which is a technique used for training horses. In Longeing the horse is asked to work at the end of a long line and is also asked to respond to commands from the handler on the ground that holds the line. As the Bridle is associated with the nose of the horse, it may react badly if not handled in the proper manner. The best way is to run the longe line through the inside bit ring and attach it to the outside bit ring. Every time when the horse changes its direction, this attachment of lines requires it to be changed. This works by raising the bit up and exerting a pressure on the corners of mouth and putting a lateral pressure. This is best for the trainer, when he is longening a rider and for the horses that pulls more, to get a maximum control of the horse.
During longeing the whip acts as a riders leg asking the horse to move in a specified direction, like move forward or move out etc. During this process, the whip should be held with the tip low, pointing towards the horses hocks and at this time, the lash should be dragging on the ground. Whip should be handled in the opposite hand to the direction in which horse is moving. For example- if horse is moving in left direction, whip should be handled in right hand of the rider. Some of the different ways in which the whip is being used are-
-Pointing the whip at the shoulder of the horse means to make the horse move out or stop him from moving inward on the circle.
- Pointing whips at hocks of the horse ask for the increased speed from the horse.
- Pointing whip in front of head of the horse means asking him to be slow.
- Whip is being cracked when the horse refuses to move forward. Although cracking of whips should be avoided to its fullest. Etc.