7 Signs That He Really Likes Me - Figure Out His True Feelings Using These Very Useful Tips
If you have a crush on a guy, it's perfectly natural to be very curious about whether or not he wants you as well.
It's very simple to determine this, if you're looking for the right clues.
The Way He Looks At You A man's facial expressions can tell you everything.
If he lets his eyes linger on you a bit longer than normal, this is a good sign that he likes you.
Also, pay attention to the look in his eyes when his focus is on you.
Your gut instinct can assist you in determining what his face is saying.
If it feels like he's undressing you with his eyes or daydreaming about you, he probably is! Does He Seem Nervous Around You? Think of the things that you tend to do when you're nervous around someone: Laughing in an uncomfortable way, talking too much or keeping your speaking to a minimum, fidgeting, etc.
Chances are, he probably displays these same type of uncomfortable habits around you if he has a big crush.
He Talks About You To Others Keep you ears open, because if you hear through the grapevine that he's asking about you or speaking of you in a positive way to others, this is a very strong indicator that he really likes you.
Men are often too intimidated or scared of rejection to directly approach you when they're interested, so they will try to make their desire known by telling others.
The hope in doing this is that you will find out about his interest and give him a sign about your own.
He probably is looking for this sign if he really likes you because it makes his goal of hooking up with you a lot less attainable and pressure-free.
He Asks You a Lot of Questions Sometimes when a man is very smitten with a woman, he'll avoid talking about himself in order to avoid saying the wrong thing that you will disapprove of.
He'll opt instead to ask you questions about you and your life.
The type of questions he asks are important to pay attention to, as if the tone of voice he uses when he asks.
He Remembers The Little Things About You Anyone can recall the major factors of a person's life, but it takes real interest to remember the smaller details.
If you tell him a small fact about yourself and he later brings it up or recalls it with clarity, this is a great sign that he definitely likes you.
He Finds Many Ways to Communicate With You If you get a lot of text messages from him, or he always forwards you funny emails, this might be a way that he's trying to gauge your feelings towards him.
A guy will eventually lose his fear of rejection and attempt more direct communication with you if his desire for you grows strong enough.
He Compliments You If this particular guy seems to compliment you on more than one occasion, on anything from your appearance to something you've accomplished or created, he is probably trying to tell you that he likes you without being too direct.
Pay attention to whether or not he appears nervous when he is giving you a compliment, and also if he tends to do this with many people or not.
If he doesn't seem to give out many compliments freely, then that's an even stronger sign that you're the one he really likes.
It's very simple to determine this, if you're looking for the right clues.
The Way He Looks At You A man's facial expressions can tell you everything.
If he lets his eyes linger on you a bit longer than normal, this is a good sign that he likes you.
Also, pay attention to the look in his eyes when his focus is on you.
Your gut instinct can assist you in determining what his face is saying.
If it feels like he's undressing you with his eyes or daydreaming about you, he probably is! Does He Seem Nervous Around You? Think of the things that you tend to do when you're nervous around someone: Laughing in an uncomfortable way, talking too much or keeping your speaking to a minimum, fidgeting, etc.
Chances are, he probably displays these same type of uncomfortable habits around you if he has a big crush.
He Talks About You To Others Keep you ears open, because if you hear through the grapevine that he's asking about you or speaking of you in a positive way to others, this is a very strong indicator that he really likes you.
Men are often too intimidated or scared of rejection to directly approach you when they're interested, so they will try to make their desire known by telling others.
The hope in doing this is that you will find out about his interest and give him a sign about your own.
He probably is looking for this sign if he really likes you because it makes his goal of hooking up with you a lot less attainable and pressure-free.
He Asks You a Lot of Questions Sometimes when a man is very smitten with a woman, he'll avoid talking about himself in order to avoid saying the wrong thing that you will disapprove of.
He'll opt instead to ask you questions about you and your life.
The type of questions he asks are important to pay attention to, as if the tone of voice he uses when he asks.
He Remembers The Little Things About You Anyone can recall the major factors of a person's life, but it takes real interest to remember the smaller details.
If you tell him a small fact about yourself and he later brings it up or recalls it with clarity, this is a great sign that he definitely likes you.
He Finds Many Ways to Communicate With You If you get a lot of text messages from him, or he always forwards you funny emails, this might be a way that he's trying to gauge your feelings towards him.
A guy will eventually lose his fear of rejection and attempt more direct communication with you if his desire for you grows strong enough.
He Compliments You If this particular guy seems to compliment you on more than one occasion, on anything from your appearance to something you've accomplished or created, he is probably trying to tell you that he likes you without being too direct.
Pay attention to whether or not he appears nervous when he is giving you a compliment, and also if he tends to do this with many people or not.
If he doesn't seem to give out many compliments freely, then that's an even stronger sign that you're the one he really likes.