Shortcuts For Raising Emus Number 4 - Watering Setup and Facilities
A MAJOR shortcut and time-saver for watering emu chicks The best method is to use a small gravity controlled waterer.
These are available online.
To work properly, it will need to have a consistent pressure.
Most systems do not provide a consistent water pressure.
To insure this, use a pressure regulator (variable) set on about 20 pounds of pressure.
This is well below any normal pressure, yet plenty to operate your waterers.
This insures your chicks don't run out of fresh, clean water and they only need to be cleaned every three days or so.
Emu chicks require a LOT of water and without a system to provide it, YOU will need to check water several times a day AND they will need to be cleaned several times a day.
Emu chicks make a huge mess with regular floor-level waterers.
A gravity controlled waterer is the best system by far.
It is easy and inexpensive to build a PVC stand for the waterer to hang from and you can use just about any configuration as long as the waterer hangs an inch or so off the floor.
A MAJOR shortcut and time-saver for watering adult emus All outdoor water systems need to be 100% underground.
Black poly pipe is best to use, it's long lasting, economical, and durable.
Wherever you need a faucet, install a plastic water-meter box with a plastic faucet inside.
Be sure the faucet isn't in the middle of the box, but on one end to allow room for connecting a water hose.
The box should be left about two inches above ground level.
Drill a 1½ "hole in one end and run a hose through it to the faucet.
Your waterers can be plastic tubs with a float that attaches to the side.
The tub needs to sit on a stand of some sort to keep the birds from getting in it.
Anything will do.
Treated 2" x 4"s work best.
Just make four legs about 14" long with a couple of braces on top for the tub to rest on.
Now, you have water available to connect to a waterer and it can be moved.
Emus make a mess around waterers and this allows you to move them.
A MAJOR Necessity Is a Water System Backup Adult emus require a lot of water.
If you are on a public system, it needs to be dependable.
Depending on how many emus you have, a backup water system could be necessary.
Our main watering system for the emus at Emu Oil Depot is a well from our lake.
Our backup watering system is from our regular well.
The main watering system from the lake requires everything a normal water well does.
It requires a pump, a 220-volt circuit, and a tank.
The only difference between this and a regular well is the water supply.
One is from the lake and the other is from an underground water table.
If your main water system goes out, it isn't possible to water a lot of emus without a backup of some kind so be sure you're prepared! Again, shortcuts make it better for you the rancher AND the birds!
These are available online.
To work properly, it will need to have a consistent pressure.
Most systems do not provide a consistent water pressure.
To insure this, use a pressure regulator (variable) set on about 20 pounds of pressure.
This is well below any normal pressure, yet plenty to operate your waterers.
This insures your chicks don't run out of fresh, clean water and they only need to be cleaned every three days or so.
Emu chicks require a LOT of water and without a system to provide it, YOU will need to check water several times a day AND they will need to be cleaned several times a day.
Emu chicks make a huge mess with regular floor-level waterers.
A gravity controlled waterer is the best system by far.
It is easy and inexpensive to build a PVC stand for the waterer to hang from and you can use just about any configuration as long as the waterer hangs an inch or so off the floor.
A MAJOR shortcut and time-saver for watering adult emus All outdoor water systems need to be 100% underground.
Black poly pipe is best to use, it's long lasting, economical, and durable.
Wherever you need a faucet, install a plastic water-meter box with a plastic faucet inside.
Be sure the faucet isn't in the middle of the box, but on one end to allow room for connecting a water hose.
The box should be left about two inches above ground level.
Drill a 1½ "hole in one end and run a hose through it to the faucet.
Your waterers can be plastic tubs with a float that attaches to the side.
The tub needs to sit on a stand of some sort to keep the birds from getting in it.
Anything will do.
Treated 2" x 4"s work best.
Just make four legs about 14" long with a couple of braces on top for the tub to rest on.
Now, you have water available to connect to a waterer and it can be moved.
Emus make a mess around waterers and this allows you to move them.
A MAJOR Necessity Is a Water System Backup Adult emus require a lot of water.
If you are on a public system, it needs to be dependable.
Depending on how many emus you have, a backup water system could be necessary.
Our main watering system for the emus at Emu Oil Depot is a well from our lake.
Our backup watering system is from our regular well.
The main watering system from the lake requires everything a normal water well does.
It requires a pump, a 220-volt circuit, and a tank.
The only difference between this and a regular well is the water supply.
One is from the lake and the other is from an underground water table.
If your main water system goes out, it isn't possible to water a lot of emus without a backup of some kind so be sure you're prepared! Again, shortcuts make it better for you the rancher AND the birds!