7 Secrets Of Inspiring Speakers
I learned a long time ago from listening to Mark Victor Hansen, Tony Robbins, Les Brown and other great speakers, that inspiration is the key to moving people into actionto create movement towards their dream.
Before you can really be persuasive you need to ignite that spark so that people will move forward, listen to you and be persuaded to take action. These 7 secrets will teach you how to become an inspirational and persuasive speaker every time you speak.
Secret #1: Demonstrate enthusiasm.
Demonstrate enthusiasm consistently and constantly. Inspiring speakers have an abundance of enthusiasm and passion for what they do. You cannot inspire anyone unless you yourself are inspired. You cannot translate your passion and have people feel it if you are not truly passionate yourself. You either have passion for your message or you dont.
Once you discover your passion, you need to make it apparent to everyone. Dont hide it. Enthusiasm needs to come out of your voice and your language. You cant be passionate and be quiet about it. In one of my speaker training intensives, one of my students was selling an energy drink. He gave his presentation very matter of fact. I said to him, You need to speak with more energy and passion. Maybe you should drink your own drinks! Bottom line: match your passion and enthusiasm to whatever message you are giving.
Secret #2: Articulate a compelling course of action.
Inspiring speakers articulate a compelling course of action through a specific memorable message. Its not just about the message. Its deeper than that. Its a vision! What is a vision? Its a short, vivid description (10 words or less) of how the world would look if your product or services succeeded.
Weve talked about our products and services being something that will change lives and change businesses, but the vision describes how its going to change lives or change businesses.
Example: Bill Gates had a vision to have a computer on everyones desk at home. Thats a huge vision! Think back to the 80s when computers first came outnot that long ago, look at it now! It all started with a vision, and through enthusiasm and having a compelling course of action, that vision was brought to life.
Secret #3: Sell the benefits.
Inspiring speakers talk about the benefits. They know to make their speech about the audience. Give your listeners overwhelming value then inspire them to do something. Inspire them to create change. Inspire them to be the change!
Secret #4: Tell more stories.
Tell more stories. Why? Because stories work! Stories are persuasive. Use more stories every time you speak. Remember: you can borrow stories if you dont have your own. You can find stories in books and online. You can even turn short jokes into stories. Use your clients success stories or testimonials. Remember nothing sells like success. Also, theres nothing more inspiring than a memorable, emotional story that tugs at the heart strings.
Secret #5: Invite audience participation.
Inspiring speakers always bring their audience into their speech, their vision, their passion, and their enthusiasm. You can do this by inviting 2-3 people onstage for an activity, or simply ask your audience questions. Get them to respond. Audiences will act on direct demand. When I say, how cool is that, they are inspired to say, thats cool! Whatever your techniques are, create audience participation as often as you can. This will keep them listening.
Secret #6: Reinforce an optimistic outlook.
Inspiring speakers always speak of a better future, of their dreams and hopes for everyone. So many people talk about the economy with doom and gloom. Dont get sucked in! Refuse to participate in this recessiongo out and inspire people to make a better world. Be a leader! Be a speaker who inspires change, who inspires good, who inspires hope. Things will change and they will start with YOU!
Secret #7: Encourage.
Inspiring speakers praise people and invest in them emotionally. They dont criticize; instead, they encourage. They encourage people every step of the way. And when you encourage people, they will walk through fire for you. Show them they can be the best of the best! Encourage greatness in everyone; every audience member and everyone you speak to. Now thats inspiring.
Those are the 7 Secrets to being an inspiring speaker! Now go out and inspire others!
Before you can really be persuasive you need to ignite that spark so that people will move forward, listen to you and be persuaded to take action. These 7 secrets will teach you how to become an inspirational and persuasive speaker every time you speak.
Secret #1: Demonstrate enthusiasm.
Demonstrate enthusiasm consistently and constantly. Inspiring speakers have an abundance of enthusiasm and passion for what they do. You cannot inspire anyone unless you yourself are inspired. You cannot translate your passion and have people feel it if you are not truly passionate yourself. You either have passion for your message or you dont.
Once you discover your passion, you need to make it apparent to everyone. Dont hide it. Enthusiasm needs to come out of your voice and your language. You cant be passionate and be quiet about it. In one of my speaker training intensives, one of my students was selling an energy drink. He gave his presentation very matter of fact. I said to him, You need to speak with more energy and passion. Maybe you should drink your own drinks! Bottom line: match your passion and enthusiasm to whatever message you are giving.
Secret #2: Articulate a compelling course of action.
Inspiring speakers articulate a compelling course of action through a specific memorable message. Its not just about the message. Its deeper than that. Its a vision! What is a vision? Its a short, vivid description (10 words or less) of how the world would look if your product or services succeeded.
Weve talked about our products and services being something that will change lives and change businesses, but the vision describes how its going to change lives or change businesses.
Example: Bill Gates had a vision to have a computer on everyones desk at home. Thats a huge vision! Think back to the 80s when computers first came outnot that long ago, look at it now! It all started with a vision, and through enthusiasm and having a compelling course of action, that vision was brought to life.
Secret #3: Sell the benefits.
Inspiring speakers talk about the benefits. They know to make their speech about the audience. Give your listeners overwhelming value then inspire them to do something. Inspire them to create change. Inspire them to be the change!
Secret #4: Tell more stories.
Tell more stories. Why? Because stories work! Stories are persuasive. Use more stories every time you speak. Remember: you can borrow stories if you dont have your own. You can find stories in books and online. You can even turn short jokes into stories. Use your clients success stories or testimonials. Remember nothing sells like success. Also, theres nothing more inspiring than a memorable, emotional story that tugs at the heart strings.
Secret #5: Invite audience participation.
Inspiring speakers always bring their audience into their speech, their vision, their passion, and their enthusiasm. You can do this by inviting 2-3 people onstage for an activity, or simply ask your audience questions. Get them to respond. Audiences will act on direct demand. When I say, how cool is that, they are inspired to say, thats cool! Whatever your techniques are, create audience participation as often as you can. This will keep them listening.
Secret #6: Reinforce an optimistic outlook.
Inspiring speakers always speak of a better future, of their dreams and hopes for everyone. So many people talk about the economy with doom and gloom. Dont get sucked in! Refuse to participate in this recessiongo out and inspire people to make a better world. Be a leader! Be a speaker who inspires change, who inspires good, who inspires hope. Things will change and they will start with YOU!
Secret #7: Encourage.
Inspiring speakers praise people and invest in them emotionally. They dont criticize; instead, they encourage. They encourage people every step of the way. And when you encourage people, they will walk through fire for you. Show them they can be the best of the best! Encourage greatness in everyone; every audience member and everyone you speak to. Now thats inspiring.
Those are the 7 Secrets to being an inspiring speaker! Now go out and inspire others!