What's Happening on Medscape Pulmonary Medicine?
What's Happening on Medscape Pulmonary Medicine?
Welcome to the first in a series of monthly editor's columns on Medscape's Pulmonary Medicine site. With all that is going on in this field of medicine, the purpose of this column is to keep you updated on new resources, conferences, articles, columns, and other helpful programs that you will find on the site. It is also a way for us to share information and for you to provide feedback on the items that you enjoy seeing as well as the items with which you take issue.
This month, I will point out some new and standard features that can enhance your experience on this site. First of all, we are redesigning specific areas of the Medscape site to make them easier to navigate. You will see these changes roll out in the next month or so as they are completed. These changes should serve to enhance your experience on the site. Some of these enhancements include more "help" features that describe how to use continuing medical education (CME) programs such as "Clinical Updates" as well as easier navigation to sections of the site that you use more frequently.
I will also be starting a new feature on the site, the Pulmonary Medicine "Ask the Experts" program. This feature will allow physicians to ask specific questions of noted experts in pulmonary medicine. The answers will then be posted in the Ask the Experts section of the Pulmonary Medicine home page. In addition to the Ask the Experts program, users are invited to start discussion forums based on related topics of interest. To start a discussion, go to the "Discussions" section of the home page where the Ask the Experts feature is posted and click on the "More" link for Discussion Boards. You can either choose one of the existing discussions and then either join in on that discussion or start a discussion of your own.
I am making plans to cover several interesting conferences this fall that will provide you with more clinical perspectives on a number of pulmonary topics. One of the meetings is the European Respiratory Society taking place in September in Stockholm, Sweden. A number of clinical experts will be on hand in Stockholm to disseminate interesting and relevant clinical articles based on discussions at that meeting. As usual, I am also making plans to cover the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians in November in San Diego, California.
In addition, I am looking for interesting pulmonary-related case studies to post on the site. I urge users to submit complete case studies and encourage the use of photos, figures, and tables when appropriate to illustrate the case. The cases will be presented in an interactive format that links into the discussion section of the site as well, allowing users to comment on the cases. Cases can be submitted to the email address listed below.
Finally, I am also planning to post more articles on the site in the coming months that will increase your opportunities to earn CME credit while reading the latest information on a particular topic.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about what you see on the site or wish to suggest a new program that you would find useful, please feel free to email me at Pulmonaryeditor@webmd.net. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact our customer support staff at medscapecustomersupport@ms.medscape.com.
Welcome to the first in a series of monthly editor's columns on Medscape's Pulmonary Medicine site. With all that is going on in this field of medicine, the purpose of this column is to keep you updated on new resources, conferences, articles, columns, and other helpful programs that you will find on the site. It is also a way for us to share information and for you to provide feedback on the items that you enjoy seeing as well as the items with which you take issue.
This month, I will point out some new and standard features that can enhance your experience on this site. First of all, we are redesigning specific areas of the Medscape site to make them easier to navigate. You will see these changes roll out in the next month or so as they are completed. These changes should serve to enhance your experience on the site. Some of these enhancements include more "help" features that describe how to use continuing medical education (CME) programs such as "Clinical Updates" as well as easier navigation to sections of the site that you use more frequently.
I will also be starting a new feature on the site, the Pulmonary Medicine "Ask the Experts" program. This feature will allow physicians to ask specific questions of noted experts in pulmonary medicine. The answers will then be posted in the Ask the Experts section of the Pulmonary Medicine home page. In addition to the Ask the Experts program, users are invited to start discussion forums based on related topics of interest. To start a discussion, go to the "Discussions" section of the home page where the Ask the Experts feature is posted and click on the "More" link for Discussion Boards. You can either choose one of the existing discussions and then either join in on that discussion or start a discussion of your own.
I am making plans to cover several interesting conferences this fall that will provide you with more clinical perspectives on a number of pulmonary topics. One of the meetings is the European Respiratory Society taking place in September in Stockholm, Sweden. A number of clinical experts will be on hand in Stockholm to disseminate interesting and relevant clinical articles based on discussions at that meeting. As usual, I am also making plans to cover the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians in November in San Diego, California.
In addition, I am looking for interesting pulmonary-related case studies to post on the site. I urge users to submit complete case studies and encourage the use of photos, figures, and tables when appropriate to illustrate the case. The cases will be presented in an interactive format that links into the discussion section of the site as well, allowing users to comment on the cases. Cases can be submitted to the email address listed below.
Finally, I am also planning to post more articles on the site in the coming months that will increase your opportunities to earn CME credit while reading the latest information on a particular topic.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about what you see on the site or wish to suggest a new program that you would find useful, please feel free to email me at Pulmonaryeditor@webmd.net. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact our customer support staff at medscapecustomersupport@ms.medscape.com.