The Stock Market Crash Was an Example of What Redistribution of Wealth Feels Like
We have sure heard a lot about redistribution of wealth lately, especially as Obama brought it up during the 2008 Presidential Election when he told Joe the Plumber; "Let's spread the wealth around a little.
" It's talk like this, which scare folks that understand economics and governments.
The phrases like "redistribute wealth" and "Spread the wealth around" are buzz phrases for socialism.
The biggest problem with all this is that our great nation and our success is based on Capitalism, not socialism.
We became the greatest nation in the history of mankind because of our capitalistic mindset.
Folks just do not understand what redistribution of wealth feels like.
Money is taken from you, it just disappears through taxes.
Government becomes a modern day Robin Hood.
What does it feel like? Do you know? Well, it feels just like the stock market crash when your retirement fund and 401k, your money is suddenly worth 20, 30, 40% less.
So, I'd like to ask all the citizens of the US a question; How did you like it? Did it make you feel good or did it scare the heck out of you, as you watched your money disappear? Well, the reason I ask, is we just had a huge change and re-distribution of wealth.
"Now you see it, now you don't!" What is rather amazing is that this latest crash hurt everyone, well, so, does socialism and so does any scheme which re-distributes wealth.
Perhaps, the US citizens ought to consider such things before they fall for all this talk about bigger government, free health care and government give-aways.
Please think on this.
" It's talk like this, which scare folks that understand economics and governments.
The phrases like "redistribute wealth" and "Spread the wealth around" are buzz phrases for socialism.
The biggest problem with all this is that our great nation and our success is based on Capitalism, not socialism.
We became the greatest nation in the history of mankind because of our capitalistic mindset.
Folks just do not understand what redistribution of wealth feels like.
Money is taken from you, it just disappears through taxes.
Government becomes a modern day Robin Hood.
What does it feel like? Do you know? Well, it feels just like the stock market crash when your retirement fund and 401k, your money is suddenly worth 20, 30, 40% less.
So, I'd like to ask all the citizens of the US a question; How did you like it? Did it make you feel good or did it scare the heck out of you, as you watched your money disappear? Well, the reason I ask, is we just had a huge change and re-distribution of wealth.
"Now you see it, now you don't!" What is rather amazing is that this latest crash hurt everyone, well, so, does socialism and so does any scheme which re-distributes wealth.
Perhaps, the US citizens ought to consider such things before they fall for all this talk about bigger government, free health care and government give-aways.
Please think on this.