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According to the researchers' reports, the children born by following the IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatments for male infertility are more prone of developing intellectual impairments than, the children who are born by normal pregnancy. In this process, the egg fertilization takes place in-vitro instead inside the female's body. The female's eggs are removed from ovaries by means of a surgery and fertilized in-vitro using male's sperm, which has been taken as a sperm sample. This fertilized egg is called Embryo. It surgically implanted in the womb of female.
Usually, a cycle of IVF completed within 4 - 7 weeks. Although, the average success rate of IVF treatment is around 20 -25 percent, which is relatively higher in younger women than, in the women over the age of 40 years. It could be a challenging task for both male and female and may cause various mental and emotional problems such as depression, anxiety (during or after treatment). The highly sophisticated male infertility treatment is also known as Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Usually, this process is used in cases of absolute infertility and considered as controversial treatment, which has been related with increased risk of birth defects.
As per the study, children were more likely to develop autism who born by following the IVF treatment, especially in severe male infertility cases where male counterpart requires surgery as a part of treatment. However, the ratio of men who undergo this process is very small so that the number of actual cases. The infertility treatment doctor Dr. Dr Avi Reichenberg, the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London has conducted a study and concluded that IVF treatments are developed to deal with the male infertility issues are concerned with increased risks of mental and development disorders in the offspring. Although, the intellectual disorders or autism are rare outcomes, can be identified by potential monitoring.
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association states that 30, 959 children were born by following IVF treatment from the analyzed data of more than 2.5 million births in Sweden. The ratio of children who were at higher risk of mental disability was just 62 out of every 100, 000 births, which was measured on the basis of an IQ below 70 and inability to perform some skills like learning, social interaction and communication, relationships etc.
Using this infertility treatment, the risk of multiple births very higher but, reason is uncertain. In recent years, the use of ICSI infertility treatment is opposed because of the selection of genetically defected sperm and injected into a female egg. Even in normal conditions, such defective sperms won't survive during fertilization cycle. According to the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society, the ratio of miscarriages was 17% per ICSI pregnancy out of 9, 904 IVF treatments performed in 2008.
The prenatal problems are relatively very common with such pregnancies, than the spontaneous pregnancies. If you have any doubt or issue concerning to the long-term effects of IVF treatment consult to a renowned fertility doctors or specialist. The leading advanced fertility centre, €Parent of fertility' offers the highly sophisticated, proven and reliable infertility treatments to the couples having problem in conceiving a baby.
Usually, a cycle of IVF completed within 4 - 7 weeks. Although, the average success rate of IVF treatment is around 20 -25 percent, which is relatively higher in younger women than, in the women over the age of 40 years. It could be a challenging task for both male and female and may cause various mental and emotional problems such as depression, anxiety (during or after treatment). The highly sophisticated male infertility treatment is also known as Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Usually, this process is used in cases of absolute infertility and considered as controversial treatment, which has been related with increased risk of birth defects.
As per the study, children were more likely to develop autism who born by following the IVF treatment, especially in severe male infertility cases where male counterpart requires surgery as a part of treatment. However, the ratio of men who undergo this process is very small so that the number of actual cases. The infertility treatment doctor Dr. Dr Avi Reichenberg, the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London has conducted a study and concluded that IVF treatments are developed to deal with the male infertility issues are concerned with increased risks of mental and development disorders in the offspring. Although, the intellectual disorders or autism are rare outcomes, can be identified by potential monitoring.
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association states that 30, 959 children were born by following IVF treatment from the analyzed data of more than 2.5 million births in Sweden. The ratio of children who were at higher risk of mental disability was just 62 out of every 100, 000 births, which was measured on the basis of an IQ below 70 and inability to perform some skills like learning, social interaction and communication, relationships etc.
Using this infertility treatment, the risk of multiple births very higher but, reason is uncertain. In recent years, the use of ICSI infertility treatment is opposed because of the selection of genetically defected sperm and injected into a female egg. Even in normal conditions, such defective sperms won't survive during fertilization cycle. According to the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society, the ratio of miscarriages was 17% per ICSI pregnancy out of 9, 904 IVF treatments performed in 2008.
The prenatal problems are relatively very common with such pregnancies, than the spontaneous pregnancies. If you have any doubt or issue concerning to the long-term effects of IVF treatment consult to a renowned fertility doctors or specialist. The leading advanced fertility centre, €Parent of fertility' offers the highly sophisticated, proven and reliable infertility treatments to the couples having problem in conceiving a baby.