Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanse Diet
Usually people wind up hearing about the Master Cleanse Diet because some celebrities have used it to quickly lose weight that they'd gained for a particular movie role. For instance, Jared Leto used the Master Cleanse to quickly drop a lot of the weight he'd gained in order to play Mark Chapman. Beyonce also has mentioned in interviews that she's done the Master Cleanse to lose weight quickly as well.
But the Master Cleanse Diet is a lot more than a weight loss method. In fact, its real intent was never for weight loss at all, though that is certainly a nice side effect of being on the Cleanse. The Master Cleanse was originally created by Stanley Burroughs as a way to detox your system and increase your health. He first wrote his book, The Master Cleanser, in 1941 and people have been using Stanley Burrough's fasting method to improve their health for years now.
The basics of the Master Cleanse are pretty simple. Each day you make a drink for yourself made out of lemons (fresh squeezed juice), maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. This is where the Cleanse often gets its other names -- the Lemonade diet or the Maple Syrup Diet.
Each morning you start your day with a salt water flush which, for most people, will clean out your bowels very quickly so make sure you are close to a bathroom. During the rest of the day, you drink as much of the "lemonade" as you would like. Then, in the evenings, you drink a Senna tea before bed. This does pretty much the same as the salt water flush -- moves the impacted stuff out of your intestines, but it does it much more mildly.
Ten days is usually the recommended minimum period to use the Master Cleanse Diet. It is just long enough to see results, but not too long so you can feel like you'll actually be able to do it. While many people give up during the first couple of days, if you stick to it beyond the initial difficulties, it does get easier. In fact, some folks actually do the Master Cleanse on a regular basis, as often as a couple of times per year for at least 10 days.
But the Master Cleanse Diet is a lot more than a weight loss method. In fact, its real intent was never for weight loss at all, though that is certainly a nice side effect of being on the Cleanse. The Master Cleanse was originally created by Stanley Burroughs as a way to detox your system and increase your health. He first wrote his book, The Master Cleanser, in 1941 and people have been using Stanley Burrough's fasting method to improve their health for years now.
The basics of the Master Cleanse are pretty simple. Each day you make a drink for yourself made out of lemons (fresh squeezed juice), maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. This is where the Cleanse often gets its other names -- the Lemonade diet or the Maple Syrup Diet.
Each morning you start your day with a salt water flush which, for most people, will clean out your bowels very quickly so make sure you are close to a bathroom. During the rest of the day, you drink as much of the "lemonade" as you would like. Then, in the evenings, you drink a Senna tea before bed. This does pretty much the same as the salt water flush -- moves the impacted stuff out of your intestines, but it does it much more mildly.
Ten days is usually the recommended minimum period to use the Master Cleanse Diet. It is just long enough to see results, but not too long so you can feel like you'll actually be able to do it. While many people give up during the first couple of days, if you stick to it beyond the initial difficulties, it does get easier. In fact, some folks actually do the Master Cleanse on a regular basis, as often as a couple of times per year for at least 10 days.