The Treatment & Management of HIV
- A multi-drug treatment called HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) is most commonly used in the treatment of HIV. These drugs, such as AZT and Ritonavir, target HIV at different stages during the infection cycle with the goal of slowing infection and promoting immune function.
- HAART regimens can be complicated, involving taking several pills at several different very specific times throughout the day. Nevertheless, it is important to follow a HIV treatment regimen closely, as HIV can rapidly develop resistance to drugs.
- HIV-positive individuals should maintain a healthy diet. According to Tufts University's School of Medicine, a healthy diet for HIV-positive individuals includes lots of fruits and vegetables and whole grains, lean protein and a limited amount of sweets.
- Smoking in HIV-positive people makes it harder to fight off infections and enhances the negative side effects from taking antiretrovirals. HIV-positive people should avoid smoking.
- Exercise provides a number of benefits for HIV-positive people. These include building muscle mass and encouraging appetite, which are good ways to fight against wasting syndrome; exercise also reduces stress and regulates sleeping.
- Although many HIV-related illnesses respond to treatment for the underlying HIV, some must be specifically treated. It is important to manage conditions as they occur and to consult with your doctor about what the best course of treatment will be.
HIV and Diet
HIV and Smoking
HIV and Exercise
HIV-Related Illnesses