Carpet Weavers and Poverty Crisis
A village name "Sarei Misrani" in Gopiganj Bhadhoi, situated 60 kms from Varanasi.
The main occupation of this village once was agriculture and carpet/ rug weaving.
Agricultural income was almost insufficient due to small agricultural lands and concentrated on weaving carpets for better income.
Has population around 2300 with only 15-20% educated went to schools of them 10% have completed 10-12 standard.
However, children go to school for primary education.
Their yearly income is Rs.
6000-8000 in US dollars (136-182) that means monthly income is (12-15 US dollars).
Whereas wheat floor price per kg is Rs.
10, Rice Rs.
10-12 per kg, Sugar- Rs.
22 per kg.
The income they have is too less for necessary survival.
The income is from cattle milk, agriculture, and weaving.
I met Mr.
Suresh Mani in this village and he along with his colleagues gave the information about village plight: Carpet weaving was once profitable to the weavers has reduced their income due to lack of demand of knotted and indo Nepal rugs.
For the last 5-6 years the demand has dropped steeply caused by invasion of machine made carpets.
One carpet of 12/60 or 9/54 qualitytakes 6 months to weave.
The wages is decided by the quality for example for 9/54 quality the wages is Rs.
900-1000 per yard.
Lack of demand has resulted to reduce wages and to work on contractor's terms.
The contractors are the intermediaries between the weavers and the exporters or wholesale buyers.
Contractors enjoy their role in both circumstances during shortage or demand.
Lack of demand and competitive market forced exporters and the traders to reduce wages, delay the wages, debiting for small-small mistakes.
Link to this article: http://www.
The main occupation of this village once was agriculture and carpet/ rug weaving.
Agricultural income was almost insufficient due to small agricultural lands and concentrated on weaving carpets for better income.
Has population around 2300 with only 15-20% educated went to schools of them 10% have completed 10-12 standard.
However, children go to school for primary education.
Their yearly income is Rs.
6000-8000 in US dollars (136-182) that means monthly income is (12-15 US dollars).
Whereas wheat floor price per kg is Rs.
10, Rice Rs.
10-12 per kg, Sugar- Rs.
22 per kg.
The income they have is too less for necessary survival.
The income is from cattle milk, agriculture, and weaving.
I met Mr.
Suresh Mani in this village and he along with his colleagues gave the information about village plight: Carpet weaving was once profitable to the weavers has reduced their income due to lack of demand of knotted and indo Nepal rugs.
For the last 5-6 years the demand has dropped steeply caused by invasion of machine made carpets.
One carpet of 12/60 or 9/54 qualitytakes 6 months to weave.
The wages is decided by the quality for example for 9/54 quality the wages is Rs.
900-1000 per yard.
Lack of demand has resulted to reduce wages and to work on contractor's terms.
The contractors are the intermediaries between the weavers and the exporters or wholesale buyers.
Contractors enjoy their role in both circumstances during shortage or demand.
Lack of demand and competitive market forced exporters and the traders to reduce wages, delay the wages, debiting for small-small mistakes.
Link to this article: http://www.