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Too Big to Fail - Too Stupid to Live

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Remember how you, your kids and your grand-kids became indentured? When countless trillion deficit taxpayer dollars got wasted by government bailing out the biggest banks and largest corporations -- just because they were too big to fail? You bought it, didn't you? You fell for it hook, crap-line and national sinker.
After George and Barack both agreed that's how it had to be, who were you to even doubt it? You never stopped to wonder what sense bailing out the dumbest, most gargantuan economic dinosaurs made.
You never stopped to think that if god had bailed out the original dinosaurs -- then humans wouldn't even exist.
Don't feel bad, though.
Like, not personally, anyhow.
Because the way George and Barack, together, agreed on wasting America's future? It meant most everyone reckoned it had to be true.
That America's future had to get wasted.
And they need you to keep believing it.
They totally fear you might blame how there can be no economic recovery on the government.
That's why, every few days there's yet another lugubrious economist on State Television -- a.
a C.
-- haranguing it's government's job to bail out the economy in bad times and then, in good times, responsibly restore balanced budgets and pay off resulting deficits.
But what they invariably neglect to say? What they'd rather you didn't know, never realized and couldn't find out?  What's so glaringly hidden in plainest sight for all to see?  It's how utterly incapable of bailing out and driving the economy government actually is.
How many dollars government wastes for each one it taxes.
How inconsistent economic responsibility is with what government is about in the first place.
There's fundamental axiomatic reasons government must have the last word in economic irresponsibility.
Because the word for economic irresponsibility is monopoly -- and government has complete monopoly to compel by force.
Because government is not subject to economic constraint.
Because it cannot be held to economic account.
Because it is bankrupting and indenturing America into third-world nation status.
Of course the trillions government spent on stimulating the economy have been squandered.
Of course the bailouts mean that the economic dinosaurs responsible for collapsing our markets have been inured to all economic consequence.
Yet still, you continue to believe the government had to do something.
Right? Right.
But think for a moment.
We all hate big banks and corporations.
As we should.
So how come we didn't let them fail? How come we bailed them out ahead of our own kids? The government could have insured to bail out every single affected individual -- at a fraction of the cost -- without safeguarding those stampeding economic dinosaurs trampling us into socio-economic and geo-political oblivion.
It should have.
Sanity and free markets were saying, "Let 'em fall, for cripes sakes.
Those rampaging dinosaurs aren't economically fit to survive.
" But instead? Government kept screeching how big they were.
  And just because government kept screeching so loud?  Everyone figured government was terrified for we the people.
  Nobody stopped to ask if maybe government was terrified only for itself.
  Nobody reminded how deep government and saurian banks and corporations were into each other.
  So deep, there was no telling where one began and the others ended.
  Nobody shouted out how government and saurian banks and corporations were all in a putrid swamp of self-interest together.
Finally?  Completing the farce of Americas historic tragedy?  We're supposed to walk -- or crawl -- away blaming inadequate regulations.
  Demanding government get more involved -- not less.
  Insisting government and saurian banks and corporations get even deeper into each other.
  Whereas what we really had to realize was the precisely contrary.
  Separation of government from free markets is at least as crucial as separation of church from state.
That's government for ya.
Forcing you to bail out saurian banks and corporations ahead of your own kids.
With the very economic lives of your own kids.
Good thing the original dinosaurs were extinct already.
Otherwise the Obama Administration would have bailed them out too.
Sure there would have been trouble if economic dinosaurs had been allowed to collapse.
Nothing so large can fall without crushing.
But if only government had bailed individuals instead of banks and corporations? If the market had been allowed to function without public interference? It would have been painful -- but no exponential, potentially infinite deficit compounding of trouble.
It would have led to market evolution -- instead of these days of zombie dinosaurs.
There would have been unimaginable opportunities for more responsible, fit economic life.
Instead? More deficit spending! More debt! Print more money! Do I hear 10 trillion? Do I hear 15 trillion? Come on, people -- indenture them great-grandkids! There's nothing left to lose...
  What?  No future left to give, either?  Alright, then.
  Going once, going twice -- sold! For countless trillion useless government deficit waste.
To the gentleman that's finally succeeded spreading America's wealth to the vanishing point.

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