How to Create Another Built-In Administrator
- 1). Log into an administrator account.
- 2). Click the "Start" button and type "cmd" (without quotes).
- 3). Right-click cmd from the search results and select Run as Administrator.
- 4). Click "Yes" in the confirmation window.
- 5). Type "net user administrator /active:yes" (without quotes) and press "Enter." The built-in administrator account will then be available from the login window. To disable this account, type "net user administrator /active:no" (without quotes) and press "Enter."
- 1). Log into an administrator account.
- 2). Click the "Start" button, type "user accounts" (without quotes) and click User Accounts from the search results.
- 3). Click Manage Another Account in the User Accounts window and then click Create a New Account on the next screen.
- 4). Type a name for the account in the New Account Name field and click Administrator to indicate the account type.
- 5). Click "Create Account."
Enable Built-in Administrator Account
Create New Administrator Account