SEO Marketing Frustration
Most Internet marketers are frustrated and at their wits' end.
The long and hard efforts of optimizing their websites with no positive results are getting the best of them.
This is why a large percentage of sites are not Search Engine friendly.
Which means their site is not optimized for Search Engine ranking.
It is not rich in keywords and the spider cannot crawl with ease.
Statistics show 95 percent of your competition has never even heard of (SEO) Search Engine Optimization.
3 percent feel the competition is too high so they concentrate on other Marketing techniques and are doing no optimization what so ever.
The last 2 percent are the SEO Marketing experts.
Google needs to find 10 web pages to put on the first page for each search term.
And according to statistics only the first 6 position are optimized pages (that would be the 2 percent experts).
Google having no choice has to fill the next 4 positions with the next best thing.
So if the first six positions are SEO Marketing Experts that leaves position number 7 up for grabs.
So why is it so hard to get on the first page of the major Search Engines? It has been preached many times to write relevant quality written content.
This will please the visitor but for the Search Engine you must also have a keyword density of 2 to 6 percent which then makes the writer repetitive.
Good writers hate to use the same word twice and fine alternative terms that mean the same thing.
This makes for good pleasant reading, but it will not help your site get listed in the top 10 positions for your keywords in the Search Engine.
It is important for your keywords to have the correct keyword density to rank well in Search Engines.
The keyword density formula is the number of times the keyword is used divided by the total word count on the page.
Example: I have used "SEO Marketing" as one of my keywords.
The density is 2.
2 percent.
It is amazing how much space in the SEO Marketing world that can be had only because most marketers are under the impression that it's too difficult or that it's too time consuming.
Optimizing is not difficult but it can take up a lot of time.
So the bottom line here is to put some of the SEO Marketing concentrations in keyword density to help guide the spiders crawl.
No one can guarantee or predict the outcome of your SEO Marketing efforts but working with the proper information and the few factors we know of the algorithm, you can and will improve your chances of being placed in the top 10 positions in the Search Engine.
The long and hard efforts of optimizing their websites with no positive results are getting the best of them.
This is why a large percentage of sites are not Search Engine friendly.
Which means their site is not optimized for Search Engine ranking.
It is not rich in keywords and the spider cannot crawl with ease.
Statistics show 95 percent of your competition has never even heard of (SEO) Search Engine Optimization.
3 percent feel the competition is too high so they concentrate on other Marketing techniques and are doing no optimization what so ever.
The last 2 percent are the SEO Marketing experts.
Google needs to find 10 web pages to put on the first page for each search term.
And according to statistics only the first 6 position are optimized pages (that would be the 2 percent experts).
Google having no choice has to fill the next 4 positions with the next best thing.
So if the first six positions are SEO Marketing Experts that leaves position number 7 up for grabs.
So why is it so hard to get on the first page of the major Search Engines? It has been preached many times to write relevant quality written content.
This will please the visitor but for the Search Engine you must also have a keyword density of 2 to 6 percent which then makes the writer repetitive.
Good writers hate to use the same word twice and fine alternative terms that mean the same thing.
This makes for good pleasant reading, but it will not help your site get listed in the top 10 positions for your keywords in the Search Engine.
It is important for your keywords to have the correct keyword density to rank well in Search Engines.
The keyword density formula is the number of times the keyword is used divided by the total word count on the page.
Example: I have used "SEO Marketing" as one of my keywords.
The density is 2.
2 percent.
It is amazing how much space in the SEO Marketing world that can be had only because most marketers are under the impression that it's too difficult or that it's too time consuming.
Optimizing is not difficult but it can take up a lot of time.
So the bottom line here is to put some of the SEO Marketing concentrations in keyword density to help guide the spiders crawl.
No one can guarantee or predict the outcome of your SEO Marketing efforts but working with the proper information and the few factors we know of the algorithm, you can and will improve your chances of being placed in the top 10 positions in the Search Engine.