Ohio Food Stamp Income Qualifications
- Ohio's food stamp program, now called the Food Assistance program, offers a monthly benefit via the Ohio Direction Card. This is an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card that works like a debit card. You can use your card at most commercial grocery stores and retailers, and you can only use the benefit for food. If you're not sure if your store takes the card, look for the Ohio Direction card sticker they are required to display.
- To qualify for the Food Assistance program, you need to meet the national Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) guidelines on income and assets or savings. There are exceptions to the income and asset guidelines for the elderly and the disabled. A household can have up to $2,000 in countable assets, or $3,000 if a household member is elderly or disabled. Your vehicle and the house you live in are not countable assets.
- Households have to meet income guidelines, unless you've already qualified for a program like Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Most households have to meet both the gross and net monthly income limits, but households with a senior (age 65 or over) or a disabled person only have to meet one or the other. The maximum gross income for a household of one is $1,174 as of 2011. The maximum for a household of two is $1,579, and it continues to increase based on the number of people in your household. You can deduct 20 percent of your earned income from your gross, along with a standard deduction ($142 for one- to three-person households, $153 for four or more), medical expense deduction, dependent care deduction and child support deductions. The amount left is your net monthly income. Your net income must be at or below the poverty level.
- Ohio requires a face-to-face interview as a part of the Food Assistance application process. This interview is scheduled through your county after it has received your completed application. If you think you may qualify, you should apply as quickly as possible. If you're having any difficulty with completing your application, contact your county's Department of Job and Family Services and a caseworker can assist you.
Food Assistance Overview
Asset Guidelines
Income Guidelines
Other Requirements