Taking a Look at Stretch Mark Removal Techniques
There is no doubt that you will of seen some form of stretch marks in your life.
I would even go as far to say that a good majority of you will suffer from them yourself to a varying degree.
But where do we start with stretch mark removal? What are the best stretch mark removal methods and what should we avoid? There is a slight split in camp about what the most effect procedure for the removal of stretch marks is, we find it generally comes down to the background of the individual and the particular field of expertise they posses.
Those with a cosmetic surgery background seem to opt for laser removal methods or stretch mark removal surgery, while practitioners of different fields seem to prefer to approach the problem with stretch mark removal creams.
All these methods do work but it's a case of finding the right one for you.
My personal backing likes in stretch mark removal creams for one very distinct reason.
They provide are low cost meaning you don't have to commit thousands of dollars, they are much slower than other methods but if you are prepared to wait for results then what's the rush? Laser removal is a method which as excellent reviews and is much quicker the creams.
Laser procedures really way down to overall costs.
Depending on the numbers of treatments you are going to require the procedure could cost you anything from $700 to $5000.
If you have the money spare its totally worth it.
But in my honest opinion it is not worth saving up for when you could have excellent results with a variety of creams.
Now there is a very invasive method to remove stretch marks and that is of course surgical stretch mark removal, this is a method we don't like as we think its very excessive.
It also will leave you with a very small hair line scar which is better but just replacing one problem with another.
Of course you may be one of these people that has opted to go for more natural stretch mark removal methods.
In this case you may want to look into citrus fruits and vinegar removal methods.
I wont go to much into these as some people swear by them others thing its just a novelty idea that will never work.
The jury's out on this one.
I would even go as far to say that a good majority of you will suffer from them yourself to a varying degree.
But where do we start with stretch mark removal? What are the best stretch mark removal methods and what should we avoid? There is a slight split in camp about what the most effect procedure for the removal of stretch marks is, we find it generally comes down to the background of the individual and the particular field of expertise they posses.
Those with a cosmetic surgery background seem to opt for laser removal methods or stretch mark removal surgery, while practitioners of different fields seem to prefer to approach the problem with stretch mark removal creams.
All these methods do work but it's a case of finding the right one for you.
My personal backing likes in stretch mark removal creams for one very distinct reason.
They provide are low cost meaning you don't have to commit thousands of dollars, they are much slower than other methods but if you are prepared to wait for results then what's the rush? Laser removal is a method which as excellent reviews and is much quicker the creams.
Laser procedures really way down to overall costs.
Depending on the numbers of treatments you are going to require the procedure could cost you anything from $700 to $5000.
If you have the money spare its totally worth it.
But in my honest opinion it is not worth saving up for when you could have excellent results with a variety of creams.
Now there is a very invasive method to remove stretch marks and that is of course surgical stretch mark removal, this is a method we don't like as we think its very excessive.
It also will leave you with a very small hair line scar which is better but just replacing one problem with another.
Of course you may be one of these people that has opted to go for more natural stretch mark removal methods.
In this case you may want to look into citrus fruits and vinegar removal methods.
I wont go to much into these as some people swear by them others thing its just a novelty idea that will never work.
The jury's out on this one.