Home Remedies to Stop Cats From Scratching
- Scratching might be a symptom of a skin condition.scratching cat image by Lucid_Exposure from Fotolia.com
According to PetPlace.com, excessive scratching may be caused by pruritus, also known as itching. Like humans, cats can experience an unpleasant sensation that makes them want to scratch or bite the areas of the body where they feel the itch. Itching might be related to skin diseases such as infections, allergies and parasites. Some home remedies might help your cat overcome the condition. - Your cat might not like having baths, but cold water or at least cool water can relieve itching temporarily, according to Dr. Mike Richards from VetInfo.Com. PetAlive suggests the use of oatmeal or Epsom salt bath to enhance the effect, which might only last less than half an hour. Clip or shave your cat's hair before the bath, then brush it daily to prevent mats from forming. If your cat has fleas, Healthy Pet Journal recommends that you apply neem oil on the coat and comb it with a flea comb.
- According to Healthy Pet Journal, poor foods with artificial colorings and preservatives can trigger skin problems. Try switching to natural cat food and see if the condition improves. You can also buy raw food or prepare food for your cat at home. Supplements such as essential fatty acids might help enhance the immune system and skin health. For flea problems, garlic and vitamin B can make the cat taste less appetizing to fleas.
- If your cat often scratches its ears or shakes its head, ear mites might be the cause of your cat's itch. Check for wax build-up and tiny black or brown spots in the ear canal. To treat the condition, Earth Clinic suggests putting a few drops of vegetable or olive oil into the ear canal and massage. When the dirt has moved up to the outer part of the ear, wipe it with a cotton ball or tissue. To relieve irritation, use psorinum or sulphur. You can kill the mites by mixing nine drops of yellow dock root extract and 1 tbsp. of water, and insert a few drops into the ear. If you cannot be sure that your cat has ear mites or if the condition persists, consult a vet.
- Some herbs can address itchiness. According to PetAlive, you can use horsetail, dandelion, spirulina and kalium sulphate to strengthen your cat's immune system and achieve healthy skin. For skin health and relief of skin conditions, homeopathic ingredients such as arum triph, viola tri, comocladia, chamomilla and cina could help. According to OurHappyCat.com, you can administer these ingredients by using them in creams, in an alcohol-based or glycerine-based solution to be taken orally, or in tablets or capsules.
Ear Cleaning