How to Cite a Monthly Magazine From a Site
- 1). Read over the article and establish its author, title, publication and date of publication.
- 2). Enter the information so that it follows this format:
Author's Name (Last, First). "Article's Title." Magazine's Name and Date Published (Month and Year). Exact Date Accessed <site address>. - 3). Underline the magazine's name.
- 1). Establish the author and title of the article, as well as the magazine's name and date of publication.
- 2). Enter the information so that it follows this format:
Author's Name (First Last), "Article's Title," Magazine's Name, Date Published (Month and Year), accessed (Exact Date Accessed), website address. - 3). Italicize the magazine's name.
- 1). Read over the article and determine the title, author's name, magazine's name, date published and volume number, if available.
- 2). Enter the information so that it follows this format:
Author's Name (Last Name, First Initial). Date Published (Year, Month). Article's Name. Magazine's Name, Volume Number. - 3). Place the date accessed right after the volume number so that it looks like this example.
Retrieved July 7, 2011, from - 4). Place parentheses around the date published and italicize the magazine's name and volume number.
Modern Language Association (MLA) Style
Chicago Manual of Style
American Psychological Association (APA) Style