How to Eat Right for Life
- 1). Make small changes to your diet. Eat only one helping at dinner instead of two, or eat an apple as a snack instead of a candy bar. If you make too many drastic changes at once, you are more likely to overeat. Once you can stick to these small changes, add more healthy choices to your diet.
- 2). Eat smaller portions. When you go to a restaurant, share a meal with a friend or eat only half of your meal and take the rest home with you. In addition, do not deprive yourself of the foods you love. Foods like pizza, cookies or pasta are okay to eat in moderation. If you let yourself indulge once every couple weeks, you won't be as tempted to overeat.
- 3). Start your day off with a healthy breakfast. Those who eat a nutritious breakfast burn more calories throughout the day and aren't as tempted to overeat during their meals later in the day.
- 4). Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Aim to consume at least five portions of fruits and vegetables every day. Add a side of vegetables to your meal at dinner or eat an orange as a snack before lunch.
- 5). Include healthy carbohydrates in your diet, such as wheat bread, beans and whole grain cereal. Good carbohydrates not only keep you fuller longer, they also protect you against heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Avoid unhealthy carbohydrates like white rice and white bread.
- 6). Plan your meals ahead of time. Fill your kitchen with healthy recipes and healthy snacks. Choose a few healthy recipes and work your meal schedule around them. If you know ahead of time what you will eat the following week, you are better off than those who eat out at restaurants on most nights of the week.