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Where Has The American Dream Gone?When Will Democracy Work For All People?

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I used to believe in the American dream when I was young.
I do not know what happened to democracy that is supposed to work for all people in our country.
I would like to ask our government "when is this democracy really going to work for all people, instead of those who have the most money?" I have hoped for democracy to work for all our people for nearly thirty five years.
Our government has talked so much about democracy workingin our country Our government has to make democracy and the American dream work for all people.
I have watched and listen to so many elected government leaders of over the years talk about how they are going to make democracy work for all people.
I have heard so many people say they came to this country to find the American dream.
I have heard the very same people years later say they are still waiting for the great American dream.
I have heard more then ten presidents promise that democracy will work for all our people.
Why are so many people still waiting for democracy to work for all people? I have personally seen what democracy has done for lower income people of this country.
I would like to know how many government leaders can really see how democracy has not worked for so many lower income people? I would like to know how many of the rich have really seen how democracy really has not worked for lower income people? I would like to hear from one corporation that has seen how democracy has not worked for lower income people? I am still wait for our medical corporations to explain to the lower income people how they have worked to bring good health care to lower income people.
I would like to see democracy work for lower income people.
I will explain how democracy has not worked for so many lower income people.
I hope that I will find people that will listen and realize that for democracy to work here and in other countries it must also work for all people.
How many of our troops are from lower income families? I believe that if our lower income families can send their children to die fighting for democracy.
These lower income families should have democracy work for them.
How can democracy work for lower income families that have to watch their children die or join street gangs? How can democracy work when these children are getting gunned down in drive by shootings? How can democracy work when a mother has to work as a hooker just to feed her children? How can democracy work when some child dies because they can not get the proper medical care? How can democracy work when a elderly person has to live in a dump after working their entire life? How can democracy work when a family has to go to the morgue to see their child that has been shot because of not joining a street gang? How can democracy work when some child is crying from hunger and the mother can not afford the proper food for her baby? I have seen and heard the cries of the forgotten lower income people in our country.
I have driven through all the really poor parts of cities where families can not even hope for a future.
How many families fight just to keep their children alive going to school? How can democracy work when these people get sick and can not afford go to the hospital? I have heard doctors tell patients not to worry about what is wrong when they get sick because they do not have the money or insurance to pay for hospital care.
I would like for a government leader to go to these poor areas in these cities just to get and idea of the daily pain and hopelessness these families feel.
Families that have fight just try to make it through the day.
How can our government really believe democracy works for all people when so many poor families lose their children to street gangs?How can democracy work when people that are mentally ill walk down the streets of cities where and can not get the proper mental health care they need? How can our government say that democracy works when poor children turn to gangs and drugs just to stop the feeling of hopelessness in daily life? I want to understand how so any person can still believe that democracy works when lower income people are left in a hurricane because they have no way to get out?I want to know how democracy can work for poor people when they can not even get their homes rebuilt? I do not understand why lower income people are still not back in their homes? I want to know how democracy works when lower income families do not have the chance to see their children go to college? I want to know how democracy works when you are driving down the road and some war veteran standing with a card board sign that asks for money to help? I would like for our government leaders to go to some these homeless areas and really see how some of these lower income people that have to sleep out side because people have no where to live? I have driven down poor streets in the city of chicago.
The hopelessness and hunger that these people feel is heart breaking to see.
I would like to know how democracy works when you take away peoples hope and pride so that they have to beg for food? For our government to openly say that democracy works for all people is the biggest lie that I have ever heard.
How can democracy work for people who feel the hunger and hopelessness of daily life? How can democracy work when lower income people lose jobs because companies that say they support democracy and then take away jobs that lower income work by having all our basic products made in china? I have listen to our government telling people that democracy works for all people.
I have watched the hopelessness of lower income families that see their children end up taking drugs or joining gangs.
I have seen so many lower income families lose their children to death and jail because they have no chance a better life.
I hope that democracy will come for all people so thatlower income children will stop going to jail.
Democracy has to work for all people.
I believe this will bring and end to the billions of dollars that our country spends to build and keep up so many prisons.
Democracy for all people would bring back hope for the many lower income families that need to have hope given back to them.
Democracy for all people would make good medical care available for all people.
Democracy for all people would give children a chance to have education and a chance to go to college.
I believe that our government has to step up and realize that for democracy to really work it has to work for all people not just select people.
I believe that with democracy for all people would bring and end to building so many jails that money could be used to start building schools .
I believe that our government has to give hope for the American dream back to all those people that have lost hope.
I believe that doing all this will give lower income families hope for the future of their children.
No parent should feel the hopelessness for the future of any child.
As always I write with respect.

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