How to Make a Cool Origami Airplane
- 1). Make a fold into the paper vertically down the longer side and then unfold it. Fold the upper right corner down so the right side of the paper meets the left side (the bottom edges won't line up) and unfold it. Do the same with the upper left corner of the paper, bringing it to the right side.
- 2). Place a horizontal fold downward at the point where the three previous folds meet. Unfold the paper once again and turn the paper over to the opposite side.
- 3). Fold the top left corner halfway across the paper so that the left edge of the paper aligns with the vertical center fold. Do the same with the upper right corner. Leave the corners turned down.
- 4). Refold the paper along the center vertical fold. Bring the bottom corner of one side up just under halfway to the center vertical fold. Do the same for the opposite bottom corner. Unfold the center fold but leave all four corners in place.
- 5). Tuck the X shape left from the original corner folds (that cross over the center vertical fold) inward so that the diamond-shaped fold at the top of the paper sits on top of the rest of the paper.
- 6). Fold the paper in half along the center vertical fold. Bring down the outermost triangular wing and fold the front side up until it meets the bottom fold of the rest of the paper. Fold the next layer of the paper, from the same corner as the previous wing, down until it meets with the bottom fold of the paper. Fold the same layer back upward until there is a new, narrow fold just less than parallel, getting closer toward the top of the paper, to the previous one. Bring the lowered wing back up over the second layer. Turn the paper over and do the same for the other side.
- 7). Unfold the paper along the center vertical fold and fold it over in the opposite direction. Fold the large triangle so that a new fold runs parallel to the center fold. Do the same fold in the other direction.
- 8). Unfold the center fold once again. Then fold the center line in the opposite direction using the inner set of parallel folds, leaving the sharpest point at the front of the paper unfolded.
- 9). Bring the fold back out and up and collapse the center line so that a tail (vertical stabilizer on a plane) points away from the wings on the sides.
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Fold both wings upward in the direction of the tail. Bring both wings down so they are, as close as possible, to being 90 degrees from the wing. Keep the center portion tight. There will be the two wings, the center tail, the sharp front side of the plane (the cockpit) and a small triangle sticking out of the bottom for us as a handle.