Being Beguiled
At a time when all the main stream media are saying that the economy is steadily improving don't be beguiled by all this hype.
Because, underneath these reported statistics lies in wait a tsunami of unrelenting misery poised to strike an already fragile nation.
Under reported are case after case of struggling individuals and families who are trying to survive on meager incomes or in many cases no income at all.
Meanwhile, the wealthy are getting wealthier.
Now, when we here about Republican Presidential hopefuls tout the income disparity gap as a grave injustice to our society it reminds one of just another case of do as I say not as I do.
Regardless of what we read in the paper or see on TV there remains a bitter cold reality of our economy much like the harsh winter the nation is already enduring.
Despite all the rhetoric being spewed by our politicians there is very little evidence to support all those robust economic figures the media keeps reporting.
This surely is a case of don't believe everything that is printed in the paper or see on the TV.
There is more than a slight chance everything is edited for a specific purpose or for a hidden agenda.
Questions keep occurring as to why some things or certain people get all the attention while others don't.
In a world of money oriented politics where the ruling class is always the 1% leaves little hope that the voices of the majority will ever be heard.
Now, we have certain programmed bright spots of economic mobility due in part to those gas prices that have temporarily subsided but, with the current longshoreman strike on the West Coast and the financial struggles continuing in Europe casts a dark cloud of uncertainty that trouble is not too far ahead for our already fragile economy.
Take the tragic situation of Jeff Hughes one of millions around the country who through no fault of their own was laid off and for the past year has been unsuccessful at landing another job.
In many cases he like so many others have been interviewed at companies with less than stellar track records only to be turned away.
We have all heard these excuses before " You are overqualified for this position, or that position was just recently filled, and there is this one, we will call you.
" How many times have we all had experiences like these? In fact today the reality is that these incidents are happening all too frequently and it is a sure bet that the frequency of these types of situations will only increase.
For those like Jeff Hughes, and there are so many who are left wondering where there next meal will come from or how to find a place to live when there house was foreclosed on the American tragedy is already happening.
Every day there seems to be one story or another about our booming economy and dropping unemployment.
The reality of people like Shanna Tippen is typical of how elected officials have acted on raising the minimum wage.
This type of action by our elected officials typifies the blatant callous, unsympathetic and oh so often oblivious behavior toward the real under current of financial distress sweeping the nation.
To realize the true nature of our economy Shanna is a perfect example.
Take one Friday last month when Shanna Tippen left her house where she sometimes gets by with candles and flashlights, all because her earnings can't keep pace with the ever increasing utility costs.
But, as Shanna got into her beat-up 2003 Chrysler Sebring, she drove to work to pick up her first new-and-improved paycheck.
The paycheck was stamped at the top with her employer's name Days Inn and Suites.
Need we remind every one that this pay raise showed the fruits of Arkansas' long battle over the minimum wage.
As with a nation that has a service oriented base economy this is what we can expect.
Tippen's new rate of pay: $7.
50 an hour, up by 25 cents.
It is the result of her state, along with 19 others, raising the minimum wage this year.
A 25 cent raise is typical of the legislatures response to the publics outcry of poverty wages.
The Scrooge effect is still alive and well.
For Wal-Mart employees they fair a little better but the flip side with these recent minimum wage hikes consumer goods and services have already been adjusted to compensate for any salary increase, The net result is that even though employees see a pittance of an increase in their paycheck it is eaten up by the prices we all have to pay for those goods and services.
In other words these minimum wage hikes won't pull her out of poverty.
It won't free Shanna and millions like her from enduring months when she can't afford her electricity bills.
Like tens of thousands of others in Arkansas, and millions whose states this year enacted pay increases is just another example of how our politicians broker a promise only to fall way short on delivering that deal to the now working poor.
As a nation we are being beguiled by our politicians and the media for there are at least five under reported tell tale signs that spell a real imminent threat that will keep our economy from ever gaining momentum that spurs economic growth.
To emphasize the fact let's look at the real unemployment rate across the country.
As it stands now the United States has a current unemployment rate of over 25% and in some areas of the country it is even worse especially for African American males ages 18-35.
Hispanics face similar percentage rates.
When the financial crisis hit in 2008 the government took steps to shore up those same financial institution that caused the crisis in the first place.
Since then the Fed has pumped billions of dollars into the financial markets and yet individual incomes and household incomes have actually dwindled by over 25%.
When the QE 1 and 2 went into effect all that printed money did nothing to boost the financial ability of the American public to ease the economic instability that has griped the nation for far too long.
We must remember that in 1994 when NAFTA was passed the middle class wage earner all but disappeared.
Today, when there is again a trade agreement in the works, The Trans Pacific Partnership, this too will spell more doom for the American worker to ever gain wages that equates to a living wage.
A living wage that elevates them into the middle class.
When there are over 50 million Americans now receiving Food Stamps is another indication we are in trouble.
And, that number has only increased every year since 2008.
This is yet another indication we are being beguiled by the press and "our most benevolent legislatures" who incidentally have only managed to gut this program so that the allotted funding has shrunk leaving millions at the end of the month with very little to eat.
Again the Scrooge like mentality of the powers that be prevails in every instance.
We must point out the most disturbing fact is that the Federal Reserve is already insolvent.
Sure they have some cash reserves but this cash is propping up over $4 trillion in debt.
The insolvency of our financial institution, Americas central bank is one of the greatest threats this nation faces.
It's not ISIS or any other terrorist group or even the crisis in the Ukraine that is cause for alarm it is our nonchalant perception that the Dollar will be the worlds first currency for years to come, so why worry.
Again we are all being beguiled by a very false sense of security by our government and the media.
Finally, today we are experiencing another housing bubble.
A third stock bubble and another housing bubble all within a span of 15 years.
All these bubbles do is enrich Wall Street brokers, bankers and of course our political structure who are always beholding to the power brokers of Wall Street.
When the first housing bubble hit in 2007 started one of the greatest economic crisis of the modern era.
And, all the efforts of the political system have done is encourage more wealth, power, and control for the 1% over the multitudes who are struggling day after day just trying to keep a roof overhead and food on the table.
We are being beguiled every day for the fact of the matter is we are in a perpetual state of Depression.
And we will stay that way unless radical revolutionary reforms are implemented to cure the financial and economic woes of this country.
It is just a matter of time before another bubble will burst and when it does the depression we are in will look like a walk in the park.
This will be the greatest financial disaster in history if we continue to be beguiled.
Because, underneath these reported statistics lies in wait a tsunami of unrelenting misery poised to strike an already fragile nation.
Under reported are case after case of struggling individuals and families who are trying to survive on meager incomes or in many cases no income at all.
Meanwhile, the wealthy are getting wealthier.
Now, when we here about Republican Presidential hopefuls tout the income disparity gap as a grave injustice to our society it reminds one of just another case of do as I say not as I do.
Regardless of what we read in the paper or see on TV there remains a bitter cold reality of our economy much like the harsh winter the nation is already enduring.
Despite all the rhetoric being spewed by our politicians there is very little evidence to support all those robust economic figures the media keeps reporting.
This surely is a case of don't believe everything that is printed in the paper or see on the TV.
There is more than a slight chance everything is edited for a specific purpose or for a hidden agenda.
Questions keep occurring as to why some things or certain people get all the attention while others don't.
In a world of money oriented politics where the ruling class is always the 1% leaves little hope that the voices of the majority will ever be heard.
Now, we have certain programmed bright spots of economic mobility due in part to those gas prices that have temporarily subsided but, with the current longshoreman strike on the West Coast and the financial struggles continuing in Europe casts a dark cloud of uncertainty that trouble is not too far ahead for our already fragile economy.
Take the tragic situation of Jeff Hughes one of millions around the country who through no fault of their own was laid off and for the past year has been unsuccessful at landing another job.
In many cases he like so many others have been interviewed at companies with less than stellar track records only to be turned away.
We have all heard these excuses before " You are overqualified for this position, or that position was just recently filled, and there is this one, we will call you.
" How many times have we all had experiences like these? In fact today the reality is that these incidents are happening all too frequently and it is a sure bet that the frequency of these types of situations will only increase.
For those like Jeff Hughes, and there are so many who are left wondering where there next meal will come from or how to find a place to live when there house was foreclosed on the American tragedy is already happening.
Every day there seems to be one story or another about our booming economy and dropping unemployment.
The reality of people like Shanna Tippen is typical of how elected officials have acted on raising the minimum wage.
This type of action by our elected officials typifies the blatant callous, unsympathetic and oh so often oblivious behavior toward the real under current of financial distress sweeping the nation.
To realize the true nature of our economy Shanna is a perfect example.
Take one Friday last month when Shanna Tippen left her house where she sometimes gets by with candles and flashlights, all because her earnings can't keep pace with the ever increasing utility costs.
But, as Shanna got into her beat-up 2003 Chrysler Sebring, she drove to work to pick up her first new-and-improved paycheck.
The paycheck was stamped at the top with her employer's name Days Inn and Suites.
Need we remind every one that this pay raise showed the fruits of Arkansas' long battle over the minimum wage.
As with a nation that has a service oriented base economy this is what we can expect.
Tippen's new rate of pay: $7.
50 an hour, up by 25 cents.
It is the result of her state, along with 19 others, raising the minimum wage this year.
A 25 cent raise is typical of the legislatures response to the publics outcry of poverty wages.
The Scrooge effect is still alive and well.
For Wal-Mart employees they fair a little better but the flip side with these recent minimum wage hikes consumer goods and services have already been adjusted to compensate for any salary increase, The net result is that even though employees see a pittance of an increase in their paycheck it is eaten up by the prices we all have to pay for those goods and services.
In other words these minimum wage hikes won't pull her out of poverty.
It won't free Shanna and millions like her from enduring months when she can't afford her electricity bills.
Like tens of thousands of others in Arkansas, and millions whose states this year enacted pay increases is just another example of how our politicians broker a promise only to fall way short on delivering that deal to the now working poor.
As a nation we are being beguiled by our politicians and the media for there are at least five under reported tell tale signs that spell a real imminent threat that will keep our economy from ever gaining momentum that spurs economic growth.
To emphasize the fact let's look at the real unemployment rate across the country.
As it stands now the United States has a current unemployment rate of over 25% and in some areas of the country it is even worse especially for African American males ages 18-35.
Hispanics face similar percentage rates.
When the financial crisis hit in 2008 the government took steps to shore up those same financial institution that caused the crisis in the first place.
Since then the Fed has pumped billions of dollars into the financial markets and yet individual incomes and household incomes have actually dwindled by over 25%.
When the QE 1 and 2 went into effect all that printed money did nothing to boost the financial ability of the American public to ease the economic instability that has griped the nation for far too long.
We must remember that in 1994 when NAFTA was passed the middle class wage earner all but disappeared.
Today, when there is again a trade agreement in the works, The Trans Pacific Partnership, this too will spell more doom for the American worker to ever gain wages that equates to a living wage.
A living wage that elevates them into the middle class.
When there are over 50 million Americans now receiving Food Stamps is another indication we are in trouble.
And, that number has only increased every year since 2008.
This is yet another indication we are being beguiled by the press and "our most benevolent legislatures" who incidentally have only managed to gut this program so that the allotted funding has shrunk leaving millions at the end of the month with very little to eat.
Again the Scrooge like mentality of the powers that be prevails in every instance.
We must point out the most disturbing fact is that the Federal Reserve is already insolvent.
Sure they have some cash reserves but this cash is propping up over $4 trillion in debt.
The insolvency of our financial institution, Americas central bank is one of the greatest threats this nation faces.
It's not ISIS or any other terrorist group or even the crisis in the Ukraine that is cause for alarm it is our nonchalant perception that the Dollar will be the worlds first currency for years to come, so why worry.
Again we are all being beguiled by a very false sense of security by our government and the media.
Finally, today we are experiencing another housing bubble.
A third stock bubble and another housing bubble all within a span of 15 years.
All these bubbles do is enrich Wall Street brokers, bankers and of course our political structure who are always beholding to the power brokers of Wall Street.
When the first housing bubble hit in 2007 started one of the greatest economic crisis of the modern era.
And, all the efforts of the political system have done is encourage more wealth, power, and control for the 1% over the multitudes who are struggling day after day just trying to keep a roof overhead and food on the table.
We are being beguiled every day for the fact of the matter is we are in a perpetual state of Depression.
And we will stay that way unless radical revolutionary reforms are implemented to cure the financial and economic woes of this country.
It is just a matter of time before another bubble will burst and when it does the depression we are in will look like a walk in the park.
This will be the greatest financial disaster in history if we continue to be beguiled.