Strong State Debate in The United States and Consideration of Complexity
Our nation was formed with the idea of strong states and a weak Federal Government, yet now as our nation is more mature it is some what a point of contention.
The allowing of state or regional automomy makes sense but a since of streamlining through standarization lowers costs, enjoys the economies of scale and would reduce the bureaucracy created by massive run-away redundancies.
Citizens already pay too much in taxes.
One cannot debate points of the need for State Autonomy to help keep everyone happy and the system from collapse or splitting apart.
Indeed, to this point I would never claim it to be an easy mission to complete while keeping everyone happy.
Nor can I claim to be able to concisely put down such complex thoughts in short order.
Strong States; Yes the states should be allowed maximum needed regional variation, but we must have standardization of the flows of our civilization.
So that we act like the United States and not the United Countries, without standardization there is less efficiency and we waste the economies of scale.
Therefore the overlay of the Federal Government MUST, be strong enough and have enough power to insure specific criteria over the laws, rules and standards.
The E.
U is basically the United Countries acting more like the United States and we are the United States acting more like the United Countries.
We are breaking from our roots and losing efficiencies unnecessarily in that regard and it shows.
Further I can tell you after doing business in 23 states with outlets in them, that it was truly amazing the differences involved and the hassles caused us to do less business, provide fewer jobs, deliver less service and raise the costs.
Well, that is a case in point of the reality of the problem with Strong States, without certain specific criteria set by the Federal Government in cases which matter the most; the flows of the civilization.
Unfortunately, the Federal Government interjects where it is not needed too much and the states over ride standardization unnecessarily, as they too have a severe problem with their own blobs of bureaucracy.
They too need to call weight watchers.
I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought.
The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007.
I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.
The allowing of state or regional automomy makes sense but a since of streamlining through standarization lowers costs, enjoys the economies of scale and would reduce the bureaucracy created by massive run-away redundancies.
Citizens already pay too much in taxes.
One cannot debate points of the need for State Autonomy to help keep everyone happy and the system from collapse or splitting apart.
Indeed, to this point I would never claim it to be an easy mission to complete while keeping everyone happy.
Nor can I claim to be able to concisely put down such complex thoughts in short order.
Strong States; Yes the states should be allowed maximum needed regional variation, but we must have standardization of the flows of our civilization.
So that we act like the United States and not the United Countries, without standardization there is less efficiency and we waste the economies of scale.
Therefore the overlay of the Federal Government MUST, be strong enough and have enough power to insure specific criteria over the laws, rules and standards.
The E.
U is basically the United Countries acting more like the United States and we are the United States acting more like the United Countries.
We are breaking from our roots and losing efficiencies unnecessarily in that regard and it shows.
Further I can tell you after doing business in 23 states with outlets in them, that it was truly amazing the differences involved and the hassles caused us to do less business, provide fewer jobs, deliver less service and raise the costs.
Well, that is a case in point of the reality of the problem with Strong States, without certain specific criteria set by the Federal Government in cases which matter the most; the flows of the civilization.
Unfortunately, the Federal Government interjects where it is not needed too much and the states over ride standardization unnecessarily, as they too have a severe problem with their own blobs of bureaucracy.
They too need to call weight watchers.
I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought.
The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007.
I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.