What Is Bloodroot in Real Alchemy?
- Bloodroot sap was first used by Native Americans to dye baskets, skin and clothes. Native Americans also found bloodroot to have medicinal purposes. These uses date back as early as the 1800s when European settlers discovered bloodroot and adapted the plant's use to suit their own needs.
- Bloodroot is primarily used as an expectorant to treat asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, sore throats and croup. This powerful plant can also been used to treat skin ulcers, skin cancer, warts and eczema. Cough drops can be made using maple syrup and sap from the plant. Warning: If ingested in large doses, bloodroot can be fatal and cause mouth ulcers. Please seek the advice or help of a professional alchemist before attempting to make cough drops or using bloodroot sap.
- Bloodroot is said to symbolize love, protection and purification. The Celtics believed it possessed the ability to regenerate.
Medicinal Uses