How to Keep a Pony From Getting Spoiled
- 1). Start off with a mannerly pony. Many families will buy a pony, then get rid of it when it gets spoiled or develops bad habits. Even if they sell it at a bargain basement price, you're not getting a good buy when you take on someone else's problems. Look at the pony you're considering more than once, and bring your children with you so they can ride it and handle it. Be on the alert for any sign of behavior problems like barn sourness, bucking, biting and kicking.
- 2). Have your children abide by rules that keep the pony from getting spoiled. Kids love to pamper their pets and hand out treats, but this can quickly teach a pony to take advantage of them. Teach them how to properly care for the pony but also how to maintain boundaries. Have them use treats only as rewards for good behavior and to give the treats in a bucket rather than hand feeding them. This will prevent a pony from getting pushy or learning to bite.
- 3). Insist on good manners from the pony both on the ground and when being ridden. Some ponies are nasty about being saddled but are fine when they are being ridden. Some will stand like angels for saddling and grooming but buck or act barn sour when you climb into the saddle. You should insist in proper behavior from your pony under any circumstances.
- 4). Watch for signs of bad habits and take immediate steps to correct them. Ponies are intelligent and can get spoiled and develop bad habits quickly. If they learn that a bad behavior will help them get their way, they will learn to repeat it. At the first sign of problems, re-educate your children and help them retrain the pony.
- 5). Bring in a professional instructor or trainer, if needed. Sometimes a problem may be beyond your expertise to deal with. If this happens with your family's pony, contact a professional instructor or trainer. They will help you solve the problem and teach you how to prevent it from happening again.