Article Writing - Quick Recipe For Compelling Articles
People online will read your articles if you make them compelling and interesting.
If your articles discuss a topic that your niche is very interested in and the topic you choose is one that a lot of readers in your niche want to know about then readers will click and read your article.
Here is a quick recipe for creating compelling articles; #1 - You need to know what topics your niche market are interested in.
You need to know what your niche market finds challenging.
The best way to find out what your niche markets wants and needs is to read the submissions in the internet forums.
If your niche is spiritual healing, do a search online for 'spiritual healing forums'.
Look at the first ten sites and find out what the common questions and queries are.
#2 - Once you know what the people in your niche need advice on create several article titles that include the topic in the titles.
So if the spiritual healing forums showed that people want to know how to get started in their own practice your title may look like this: How to start your spiritual healing practice.
#3 - Create articles that are content rich and offer plenty of information on the topic of your choice.
If a reader checks your article and finds that its informative and useful they will assume that all your products and information will be of the same standard.
They will then be eager to learn more from you whether it's a paid product or freebie.
If your articles discuss a topic that your niche is very interested in and the topic you choose is one that a lot of readers in your niche want to know about then readers will click and read your article.
Here is a quick recipe for creating compelling articles; #1 - You need to know what topics your niche market are interested in.
You need to know what your niche market finds challenging.
The best way to find out what your niche markets wants and needs is to read the submissions in the internet forums.
If your niche is spiritual healing, do a search online for 'spiritual healing forums'.
Look at the first ten sites and find out what the common questions and queries are.
#2 - Once you know what the people in your niche need advice on create several article titles that include the topic in the titles.
So if the spiritual healing forums showed that people want to know how to get started in their own practice your title may look like this: How to start your spiritual healing practice.
#3 - Create articles that are content rich and offer plenty of information on the topic of your choice.
If a reader checks your article and finds that its informative and useful they will assume that all your products and information will be of the same standard.
They will then be eager to learn more from you whether it's a paid product or freebie.