Essential Things to Consider While Raising Chickens
Raising chicken is a fun and engaging hobby.
While raising chickens can be a very good thing, if you are serious about it then you will want to arm yourself with as much knowledge as you can before you go in for it or even if you already have then it won't hurt to know how best to keep your birds well.
If you want to be raising chicken for poultry then you should get day old baby chicks from a hatchery or a local feed store nearby.
You can keep your chicks in large cardboard boxes with holes punched out for ventilation.
Your box should have a soft litter, plenty of feed and also good clean water.
Do remember to keep a heat lamp over them as your baby chicks will require a lot of warmth.
At least these many essentials should be provided.
Remember baby chicks are very delicate and can easily get sick if not taken care of.
When dealing with grown chicken, you need to: a.
Keep them in dedicated coops or arks.
Provide plenty of feed and water.
Constantly monitor them for signs of illness.
Keep them safe from predators.
and, e.
Get them plenty of exercise.
Your chickens are like any other animals and they feel fear, joy, happiness and pain just like their counterparts.
When left to themselves chicken tend to spend their day foraging for food, scraping the ground, making nests, and taking sun baths.
Chicken are also very intelligent creatures and can easily recognize other chicken based on their facial features.
One of the most important things you can do for your birds is to provide a good house for them.
There are many things you need to consider before you can decide on what kind of a Chicken coop you should invest in.
While raising chickens can be a very good thing, if you are serious about it then you will want to arm yourself with as much knowledge as you can before you go in for it or even if you already have then it won't hurt to know how best to keep your birds well.
If you want to be raising chicken for poultry then you should get day old baby chicks from a hatchery or a local feed store nearby.
You can keep your chicks in large cardboard boxes with holes punched out for ventilation.
Your box should have a soft litter, plenty of feed and also good clean water.
Do remember to keep a heat lamp over them as your baby chicks will require a lot of warmth.
At least these many essentials should be provided.
Remember baby chicks are very delicate and can easily get sick if not taken care of.
When dealing with grown chicken, you need to: a.
Keep them in dedicated coops or arks.
Provide plenty of feed and water.
Constantly monitor them for signs of illness.
Keep them safe from predators.
and, e.
Get them plenty of exercise.
Your chickens are like any other animals and they feel fear, joy, happiness and pain just like their counterparts.
When left to themselves chicken tend to spend their day foraging for food, scraping the ground, making nests, and taking sun baths.
Chicken are also very intelligent creatures and can easily recognize other chicken based on their facial features.
One of the most important things you can do for your birds is to provide a good house for them.
There are many things you need to consider before you can decide on what kind of a Chicken coop you should invest in.