Sinus Disease Symptoms
- Normal sinus infections usually last from 10 days to 3 weeks and a severe sinus infection can last up to 3 months. If a sinus infection has lasted this long, it may require serious medical attention.
- One common symptom of a sinus disease is bad breath or taste. This is caused by the infected nasal drip, which passes into the mouth through the nasal cavity. Cilia, tiny hairs in your nose, push mucous down the throat. The mucous is then swallowed and the acids in the stomach destroy the bad bacteria.
- There are other symptoms of a sinus infection: fever, jaw pain, headaches, green and yellow discharge from the nose and mouth, and swelling. Severe sinus infections can include symptoms such as blood discharge from the nose or mouth. If you suffer from blood discharge, seek medical advice immediately.
- Sinus diseases can be quite easy to diagnosis through tests like an MRI, CT scan and an X-ray. Sinus infections can easily be confused with a common cold. When the cold refuses to seize after a week, the patient may be starting a severe sinus disease.
- You should try to be treated for sinus infections as quickly as possible. If gone untreated, an infection can pass mucous into the lungs and cause life-threatening situations. At the first sign of a sinus infection consult a doctor for further help. Treatment with antibiotics can help kill the bad bacteria.
Time Frame
Bad Breath
Other Symptoms