Interesting Answers to Your Questions about Cats
The domesticated cat has spread to nearly every continent and is one of the most popular pets worldwide.
However, there are many people who do not like cats and would never consider letting a cat share their home for several different reasons.
Although some people simply don't enjoy animals, many prefer dogs over cats because of few liabilities that cats have, such as shedding, clawing furniture and carpet.
The following questions and answers provide some information that can make cats easier to live with, explain some of their bothersome behaviors and how to remedy them, as well as how they purr and land on their feet, and the typical lifespan of a cat.
Do cats always land on their feet? Well, that is actually a generalization.
While housecats are very adept at falling gracefully, bigger cats that are not used to climbing or falling, like lions, have a lot of trouble landing on their feet.
It isn't entirely rare for a lion to have a painful descent on the rare occasion it climbs a tree.
In some cases, large housecats that are less than athletic have similar issues.
Research compiled on cats that have fallen or jumped from windows have found that many of the cats who fell from a lower level or a higher level were able to land on their feet.
This phenomenon is called Highrise Syndrome and basically shows that cats that fall from six stories or higher are more likely to survive than cats falling from lower levels.
Falling from higher up gives cats longer to get their feet underneath them and brace before they hit the ground.
Why does my cat shed all the time? Cats shed their fur as a way of adjusting to their living conditions.
Outdoor cats tend to put on a thick coat in the fall as winter sets in, and then shed the extra fur in the spring when it begins to get warmer.
Outdoor cats shed in this manner because their brain can sense how much sunlight they are exposed to and use this to gauge how much fur they need to stay warm or cool for the season.
Indoor cats, on the other hand, have very little exposure to natural lighting and the artificial lighting inside home does not register the same to the part of their brain that controls shedding.
Because the cat's brain senses an imbalance, they grow and shed hair continually, unlike an outdoor cat.
Should I have my cat declawed? Although tens of thousand cats are declawed each year, many vets and cat owners are against this procedure because of what declawing actually entails.
A cat's claws are not like ours.
Our finger nails are simply dead cells while a cat's claws are very similar to the last joint on your finger.
Cats use their claws for balance and movement, so the lack of them can be painful and removing them makes walking much different for the cat.
If you plan on letting your cat live in the house, there are other measures you can take to ensure they don't shred your furniture like getting them a scratching post covered in abrasive material instead of soft material that resembles carpet or upholstery.
Is there anything I can do to stop or slow down my indoor cat's shedding? There are a few things you can do to keep cat hair off of everything you own and make your cat more comfortable as well.
Since cats shed constantly in response to being kept indoors, which is not exactly their natural environment, cats that shed excessively are, in effect, slightly out of balance.
The best thing you can do to reduce unwanted shedding is to make sure that they have a healthy and balanced diet and to brush them often.
A good diet will ensure that they have a healthy coat that will shed a normal amount.
Keeping your cat healthy and brushing excess hair will prevent cat hair from getting all over the place.
What are the benefits to having my cat spayed or neutered? Other than preventing them from having unwanted kittens, having your cat spayed or neutered will preventing them from developing several activities that pet owners may consider undesirable, especially in indoor cats.
In addition to making it impossible for your cat to mate, it also takes away their desire to mate and all the related activities.
This means that male cats will not mark their territory with urine spray or roam for miles trying to find a mate.
Once female cats become mature, they will stay in heat nearly all the time until they become pregnant, which means that they will likely keep you awake at night by howling to attract a mate.
However, many cat owners have their pet spayed or neutered because the energy they would have spent on finding a mate is dedicated to their human companions instead and they become a much more devoted pet.
However, there are many people who do not like cats and would never consider letting a cat share their home for several different reasons.
Although some people simply don't enjoy animals, many prefer dogs over cats because of few liabilities that cats have, such as shedding, clawing furniture and carpet.
The following questions and answers provide some information that can make cats easier to live with, explain some of their bothersome behaviors and how to remedy them, as well as how they purr and land on their feet, and the typical lifespan of a cat.
Do cats always land on their feet? Well, that is actually a generalization.
While housecats are very adept at falling gracefully, bigger cats that are not used to climbing or falling, like lions, have a lot of trouble landing on their feet.
It isn't entirely rare for a lion to have a painful descent on the rare occasion it climbs a tree.
In some cases, large housecats that are less than athletic have similar issues.
Research compiled on cats that have fallen or jumped from windows have found that many of the cats who fell from a lower level or a higher level were able to land on their feet.
This phenomenon is called Highrise Syndrome and basically shows that cats that fall from six stories or higher are more likely to survive than cats falling from lower levels.
Falling from higher up gives cats longer to get their feet underneath them and brace before they hit the ground.
Why does my cat shed all the time? Cats shed their fur as a way of adjusting to their living conditions.
Outdoor cats tend to put on a thick coat in the fall as winter sets in, and then shed the extra fur in the spring when it begins to get warmer.
Outdoor cats shed in this manner because their brain can sense how much sunlight they are exposed to and use this to gauge how much fur they need to stay warm or cool for the season.
Indoor cats, on the other hand, have very little exposure to natural lighting and the artificial lighting inside home does not register the same to the part of their brain that controls shedding.
Because the cat's brain senses an imbalance, they grow and shed hair continually, unlike an outdoor cat.
Should I have my cat declawed? Although tens of thousand cats are declawed each year, many vets and cat owners are against this procedure because of what declawing actually entails.
A cat's claws are not like ours.
Our finger nails are simply dead cells while a cat's claws are very similar to the last joint on your finger.
Cats use their claws for balance and movement, so the lack of them can be painful and removing them makes walking much different for the cat.
If you plan on letting your cat live in the house, there are other measures you can take to ensure they don't shred your furniture like getting them a scratching post covered in abrasive material instead of soft material that resembles carpet or upholstery.
Is there anything I can do to stop or slow down my indoor cat's shedding? There are a few things you can do to keep cat hair off of everything you own and make your cat more comfortable as well.
Since cats shed constantly in response to being kept indoors, which is not exactly their natural environment, cats that shed excessively are, in effect, slightly out of balance.
The best thing you can do to reduce unwanted shedding is to make sure that they have a healthy and balanced diet and to brush them often.
A good diet will ensure that they have a healthy coat that will shed a normal amount.
Keeping your cat healthy and brushing excess hair will prevent cat hair from getting all over the place.
What are the benefits to having my cat spayed or neutered? Other than preventing them from having unwanted kittens, having your cat spayed or neutered will preventing them from developing several activities that pet owners may consider undesirable, especially in indoor cats.
In addition to making it impossible for your cat to mate, it also takes away their desire to mate and all the related activities.
This means that male cats will not mark their territory with urine spray or roam for miles trying to find a mate.
Once female cats become mature, they will stay in heat nearly all the time until they become pregnant, which means that they will likely keep you awake at night by howling to attract a mate.
However, many cat owners have their pet spayed or neutered because the energy they would have spent on finding a mate is dedicated to their human companions instead and they become a much more devoted pet.