How to Obtain My Free Credit Report
- 1). Decide how you want to receive your free credit report. As of 2010, you can receive your credit report via the Internet or mail. If you want your credit report mailed to you, call 877-322-8228. According to the Federal Trade Commission, you can also print a copy of the credit report request form (see Resources) and mail it to the following address:
Annual Credit Report Request Service
P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta, GA 30348 - 2). Visit the Annual Credit Report website. The Federal Trade Commission advises that the site is the only one that doesn't charge you to view your credit report. Click in the box labeled "Start Here" and select your state. Choose "Request Report."
- 3). Fill out the application. You'll need to include your full name and addresses you've lived at in the last two years. In addition, the Annual Credit Report website asks for your Social Security number and date of birth, so avoid accessing your free credit report on a public computer. Make sure the information you entered on the application is correct; then click "Continue."
- 4). Choose the report you want to see by clicking in the box beside the agency's name. You have the option of viewing your credit report from all three credit reporting agencies or selecting one bureau at a time. Select "Next" to be taken to the website of the bureau of your choice. Press "Continue" to view your free report.