Solution for You to Solve Photo Loss Problem
If you execute"Command + Delete"or"Shift + Delete"on your Mac/Windows OS computer, or empty the Trash or the Recycle Bin, or choose "Delete All" Message on your camera, you may fall into a dilemma of losing precious pictures. Relax! Chances are good that you are able to retrieve deleted photos.
The simple Delete command on both hard drive and other storage media like camera's memory card just marks the space as being available for use. As long as don't use your computer or camera after deletion, previously deleted photos can be easily recovered using a photo recovery utility.
uFlysoft Photo Recovery for Mac is picture recovery software designed for those who may not know a lot about computers but have accidentally deleted or lost precious photos. The application is extremely easy to use and includes some of the more common features that you need. For Windows users, you can retrieve lost photos with uFlysoft Picture Recovery for Windows version.
Why Picture Recovery Program can Recover Lost Photo?
Is it possible to recover lost photos? The answer is Yes. No matter your photos are deleted due to mistakenly operation or accidental format, you can recover photos from hard drive or memory card.
As a matter of fact, when you delete the photos from memory card, the deleted photos are not actually deleted permanently. You simply delete the associated entry and the photo data are still saved in the original sectors of drive or memory card. One thing different is those data space is marked as available for other new data to write over or occupy.
Formatting device works also in like manner. When you format a device, such as hard drive, all the photo information is not deleted permanently just the file system erases the information about where those photo data are allocated and what size are the data etc. And all deleted photo data is still there waiting to be occupied.
So as we can see, when your delete or format photos, as long as the deleted photo data are not occupied or overwritten, it is highly possible for you to recover deleted photos.
Things We Should Pay Attention After Photo Recovery
After photo recovery is finished, is it safe for your photo data? Actually you should do something to avoid photo loss happens again.
1.) After photo recovery is finished, the recovery software will ask you where do you want to save the recovered photos, remember don't save them into the path where your lost photos were stored before or you will lose them again because this will cause the file overwritten situation. Some photo recovery tools will not tell you don't save them in to the same path, this will make the photo loss happens again. But uFlysoft Photo Recovery will not only tell you this, but also will remind you don't save them into the same path but save into another storage device which has enough space to save the recovered photos.
2.) After photo recovery, build a backup for your recovered photos is necessary because you will not know when the photo loss happens again (Maybe your little girl or little boy will delete them just for fun, maybe you just accidentally delete them or maybe the virus).
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The simple Delete command on both hard drive and other storage media like camera's memory card just marks the space as being available for use. As long as don't use your computer or camera after deletion, previously deleted photos can be easily recovered using a photo recovery utility.
uFlysoft Photo Recovery for Mac is picture recovery software designed for those who may not know a lot about computers but have accidentally deleted or lost precious photos. The application is extremely easy to use and includes some of the more common features that you need. For Windows users, you can retrieve lost photos with uFlysoft Picture Recovery for Windows version.
Why Picture Recovery Program can Recover Lost Photo?
Is it possible to recover lost photos? The answer is Yes. No matter your photos are deleted due to mistakenly operation or accidental format, you can recover photos from hard drive or memory card.
As a matter of fact, when you delete the photos from memory card, the deleted photos are not actually deleted permanently. You simply delete the associated entry and the photo data are still saved in the original sectors of drive or memory card. One thing different is those data space is marked as available for other new data to write over or occupy.
Formatting device works also in like manner. When you format a device, such as hard drive, all the photo information is not deleted permanently just the file system erases the information about where those photo data are allocated and what size are the data etc. And all deleted photo data is still there waiting to be occupied.
So as we can see, when your delete or format photos, as long as the deleted photo data are not occupied or overwritten, it is highly possible for you to recover deleted photos.
Things We Should Pay Attention After Photo Recovery
After photo recovery is finished, is it safe for your photo data? Actually you should do something to avoid photo loss happens again.
1.) After photo recovery is finished, the recovery software will ask you where do you want to save the recovered photos, remember don't save them into the path where your lost photos were stored before or you will lose them again because this will cause the file overwritten situation. Some photo recovery tools will not tell you don't save them in to the same path, this will make the photo loss happens again. But uFlysoft Photo Recovery will not only tell you this, but also will remind you don't save them into the same path but save into another storage device which has enough space to save the recovered photos.
2.) After photo recovery, build a backup for your recovered photos is necessary because you will not know when the photo loss happens again (Maybe your little girl or little boy will delete them just for fun, maybe you just accidentally delete them or maybe the virus).
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Want to know more about uFlysoft studio software? Just click in our official website for more details>>