What Does the Price of Gold Going Up Really Mean to You?
Is the price of gold really going up? I am constantly hearing about how great it is to invest in gold right now and diversify.
But what is really happening with the price of gold? When the U.
came off the gold standard in 1971, meaning for every dollar in circulation there was a dollars worth of gold to back it up, the U.
was able to print more money in order to stimulate the economy.
The reality of it all is, that the true value of gold never changed.
It's the fact that ever since that day the US dollar has been continually losing it's buying power and value to gold.
Today we are at a point that when you save a dollar today it is actually worth less than a dollar tomorrow.
We all grew up hearing that we should always save our money.
The problem with that now is that the US dollar is constantly losing its value, meaning what you put away in savings will not buy as much when you go to pull it out.
Saving your money worked great for our parents and grandparents generation, because they were still on the gold standard.
For every dollar they saved it still resulted in a dollar of buying power later.
This was a good strategy and why such good advice was passed down from their generation.
This all changed on that fated day in 1971.
With the ability to print more money, inflation was created and began to run rampant.
After that day in 1971 when the government and federal reserve were allowed to print more money as they saw fit our dollar of savings was no longer able to hold its value.
Today in order for you to truly save money you actually have to get a return equal to that of inflation or the price difference that gold has changed for the length of the savings.
Without properly knowing how to invest and understanding how money works 90% of people are going to loose out.
This is what is actually causing the problem with the U.
losing much of the middle class.
They're saving money, but everything is costing more due to inflation and the economy and so they pull much of this money from the savings.
The money they saved, however, is not worth as much now as when they put it away, it's lost most of it's buying power, so they're actually having to utilize or spend even more.
When the savings is all used up to keep up with the Jones's they then revert to putting things on credit and inflate the problem even more.
The rich in the equation are really not to blame.
They are just more educated on how money works.
They also have not been saving money, they've been finding ways to invest their money to get a better rate of return.
Depending on this rate of return, they are in reality maybe only breaking even in comparison to what the dollar is actually losing.
I recently heard Kevin O'Leary mention on the Shark Tank "My money is like little green soldiers that I send to war.
I expect them to go out, do battle, and bring back prisoners.
" In ancient times this concept is how great generals actually kept up and built their armies.
Today it is the only way the rich are able to maintain or still move forward.
Because of the lack of education to the poor and middle class, their still using sound financial advice from forty years ago.
That sound financial advice is no longer so sound.
With this information you can essentially do one of three things.
1) You can ignore everything I have said and keep doing what you have always done.
- Let me remind you.
Einstein's definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing expecting a different result.
2) Spend like there's no tomorrow, because tomorrow you won't be able to buy as much as you can today.
- Is that really going to help you improve your situation? Your true dreams and lifestyle you believe you deserve will probably never happen that way.
Constantly spending all your money may give you temporary joy, but won't really accomplish anything substantial.
3) Educate yourself as Robert Kiyosaki has stated in financial education.
Learn how money really works.
Learn from the rich, don't despise them, because they're not giving you what they have worked for.
Only through education and understanding will things truly get fixed.
Mostly what you're seeing in government and most people's daily lives is merely bandages on top of band-aids.
I'll quote Jim Rohn again - Traditional education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune.
Only through learning what is really going on, can you then find ways to improve your situation for you and future generations.
You deserve better than what has been left to you, but only can help you, it appears the politicians for the most part right now are only going to do what will get them another term and that is rarely what needs to be done to really start fixing the problems out there.
Don't get left behind.
When you were a kid, perhaps you wanted to be an athlete.
What did you do, you had a hero and idol someone that you studied.
Why? Because you wanted to be like them, you wanted to do what they did.
Don't get mad at Bill Gates because he figured out how to make money.
Learn from Bill Gates, Donald Trump, any one of true success that has built something and continues to grow it.
You want to learn acting, go to an actor, you want to learn to have a lifestyle that you dreamed of and make money in business.
Do as those in business do, don't wait for the government hand-out, that will ultimately only level the field in the end, make everyone the same, and you will never have the freedom to move forward as what business and the American Dream can truly provide.
But what is really happening with the price of gold? When the U.
came off the gold standard in 1971, meaning for every dollar in circulation there was a dollars worth of gold to back it up, the U.
was able to print more money in order to stimulate the economy.
The reality of it all is, that the true value of gold never changed.
It's the fact that ever since that day the US dollar has been continually losing it's buying power and value to gold.
Today we are at a point that when you save a dollar today it is actually worth less than a dollar tomorrow.
We all grew up hearing that we should always save our money.
The problem with that now is that the US dollar is constantly losing its value, meaning what you put away in savings will not buy as much when you go to pull it out.
Saving your money worked great for our parents and grandparents generation, because they were still on the gold standard.
For every dollar they saved it still resulted in a dollar of buying power later.
This was a good strategy and why such good advice was passed down from their generation.
This all changed on that fated day in 1971.
With the ability to print more money, inflation was created and began to run rampant.
After that day in 1971 when the government and federal reserve were allowed to print more money as they saw fit our dollar of savings was no longer able to hold its value.
Today in order for you to truly save money you actually have to get a return equal to that of inflation or the price difference that gold has changed for the length of the savings.
Without properly knowing how to invest and understanding how money works 90% of people are going to loose out.
This is what is actually causing the problem with the U.
losing much of the middle class.
They're saving money, but everything is costing more due to inflation and the economy and so they pull much of this money from the savings.
The money they saved, however, is not worth as much now as when they put it away, it's lost most of it's buying power, so they're actually having to utilize or spend even more.
When the savings is all used up to keep up with the Jones's they then revert to putting things on credit and inflate the problem even more.
The rich in the equation are really not to blame.
They are just more educated on how money works.
They also have not been saving money, they've been finding ways to invest their money to get a better rate of return.
Depending on this rate of return, they are in reality maybe only breaking even in comparison to what the dollar is actually losing.
I recently heard Kevin O'Leary mention on the Shark Tank "My money is like little green soldiers that I send to war.
I expect them to go out, do battle, and bring back prisoners.
" In ancient times this concept is how great generals actually kept up and built their armies.
Today it is the only way the rich are able to maintain or still move forward.
Because of the lack of education to the poor and middle class, their still using sound financial advice from forty years ago.
That sound financial advice is no longer so sound.
With this information you can essentially do one of three things.
1) You can ignore everything I have said and keep doing what you have always done.
- Let me remind you.
Einstein's definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing expecting a different result.
2) Spend like there's no tomorrow, because tomorrow you won't be able to buy as much as you can today.
- Is that really going to help you improve your situation? Your true dreams and lifestyle you believe you deserve will probably never happen that way.
Constantly spending all your money may give you temporary joy, but won't really accomplish anything substantial.
3) Educate yourself as Robert Kiyosaki has stated in financial education.
Learn how money really works.
Learn from the rich, don't despise them, because they're not giving you what they have worked for.
Only through education and understanding will things truly get fixed.
Mostly what you're seeing in government and most people's daily lives is merely bandages on top of band-aids.
I'll quote Jim Rohn again - Traditional education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune.
Only through learning what is really going on, can you then find ways to improve your situation for you and future generations.
You deserve better than what has been left to you, but only can help you, it appears the politicians for the most part right now are only going to do what will get them another term and that is rarely what needs to be done to really start fixing the problems out there.
Don't get left behind.
When you were a kid, perhaps you wanted to be an athlete.
What did you do, you had a hero and idol someone that you studied.
Why? Because you wanted to be like them, you wanted to do what they did.
Don't get mad at Bill Gates because he figured out how to make money.
Learn from Bill Gates, Donald Trump, any one of true success that has built something and continues to grow it.
You want to learn acting, go to an actor, you want to learn to have a lifestyle that you dreamed of and make money in business.
Do as those in business do, don't wait for the government hand-out, that will ultimately only level the field in the end, make everyone the same, and you will never have the freedom to move forward as what business and the American Dream can truly provide.