Imagine that, Adopt a Cat! It"s Easy, It"s Fun And It"s A Wonderful Way To Add A Cat To Your Family
Cats in shelters get a bad rap.
People assume if they arethere, it's because they are dirty, unloving, and don't make good pets.
Peoplebypass the cat and go for the tiny kittens.
Although there's nothing wrong withgetting a kitten from a shelter, there's something truly special about a catthat's lived a mile or two on this planet.
Fluffy is there for no otherreason than someone else couldn't give her the love and justice she needed.
Look at the big kitties.
They are just begging you for a scratch behind theears, a cuddle, and some lovin'.
Just because they are older, doesn't mean theywon't play either, bring a piece of string, you will find the playful one youare looking for.
Imagine Fluffy is a six year old cat that has obviouslyeaten well, but sits there month after month because she's a little more docileand is a little bit older.
These older cats have much to offer.
If you arelooking for someone to give lots of love too and someone who will give lots oflove in return, one of these older cats may be the right choice foryou.
Shelters have been known to find homes for cats in their senioryears too, although this is rare.
A cat being older doesn't mean he or sheisn't going to be a good cat.
She may not leap and play any more, she may noteven help catch mice, but she will give you all the loving days she has leftwithout question.
What about a cat with a few minor health issues?Whatif fluffy didn't have four legs and was left with only three?Would she be anyless loveable?Fluffy just wants to be loved, without reservation.
She'salready been through enough; she just wants to have a reason topurr.
You could go to your local pet store or to a neighbours home for akitten, but what a joy it is to find a cat who will simply be content tocuddle.
The big rambunctious play days may be gone, but that doesn't mean she'slost her spunk.
Cats have a way of talking to you, let the cat choose you, theyoften do anyways, don't they?A cat's love is truly PURRFECT, with the rightcat; you will have that purrfect friend you've been looking for.
Petadoption is a great way to give these older cats a chance for love and life,next time you consider adding a feline to your home, consider adoption; it's alife you will be happy you saved.
People assume if they arethere, it's because they are dirty, unloving, and don't make good pets.
Peoplebypass the cat and go for the tiny kittens.
Although there's nothing wrong withgetting a kitten from a shelter, there's something truly special about a catthat's lived a mile or two on this planet.
Fluffy is there for no otherreason than someone else couldn't give her the love and justice she needed.
Look at the big kitties.
They are just begging you for a scratch behind theears, a cuddle, and some lovin'.
Just because they are older, doesn't mean theywon't play either, bring a piece of string, you will find the playful one youare looking for.
Imagine Fluffy is a six year old cat that has obviouslyeaten well, but sits there month after month because she's a little more docileand is a little bit older.
These older cats have much to offer.
If you arelooking for someone to give lots of love too and someone who will give lots oflove in return, one of these older cats may be the right choice foryou.
Shelters have been known to find homes for cats in their senioryears too, although this is rare.
A cat being older doesn't mean he or sheisn't going to be a good cat.
She may not leap and play any more, she may noteven help catch mice, but she will give you all the loving days she has leftwithout question.
What about a cat with a few minor health issues?Whatif fluffy didn't have four legs and was left with only three?Would she be anyless loveable?Fluffy just wants to be loved, without reservation.
She'salready been through enough; she just wants to have a reason topurr.
You could go to your local pet store or to a neighbours home for akitten, but what a joy it is to find a cat who will simply be content tocuddle.
The big rambunctious play days may be gone, but that doesn't mean she'slost her spunk.
Cats have a way of talking to you, let the cat choose you, theyoften do anyways, don't they?A cat's love is truly PURRFECT, with the rightcat; you will have that purrfect friend you've been looking for.
Petadoption is a great way to give these older cats a chance for love and life,next time you consider adding a feline to your home, consider adoption; it's alife you will be happy you saved.