Kidney Disease in Cats & Natural Treatments
- Kidney disease occurs when a cat's kidneys become damaged or inflamed and stop working correctly. Kidneys normally filter the blood and send excess fluid and any waste or toxins to the urinary tract. Kidney breakdown halts this filtering process and leads to a slow poisoning of the cat's body.
- Russell Swift, DVM, states that feline kidney disease happens for one of three reasons: poor nutrition, toxins or chronic disease. Because the kidneys are the filters for the body, they are slowly damaged by the high toxicity of the environment. Fluoride, pesticides and herbicides all contribute to this poisoning. Low-quality food, which is "heavy" in additives, preservatives and cooked proteins, also damages the kidneys.
- According to Net Pets, the most immediate symptoms of kidney disease are vomiting, increased thirst and increased urination. As the kidneys fail in their duty, the body naturally attempts to overhydrate to flush itself out. Kidney disease is diagnosed through blood tests that measure kidney chemicals and hormones like creatinine, BUN and phosphorous.
- Because diet is one of the main causes of kidney disease, it is also one of the most natural ways to treat cats with damaged kidneys. Russell Swift, DVM, recommends a high-protein, raw food diet for cats with kidney failure. Raw food diets consist of raw meat, supplements and vegetables. Because these are natural foods for cats, they are easier on the body and will allow the kidneys to clean out and recover.
- Cats with kidney failure have very likely been exposed to an unhealthy environment full of toxins, so another natural remedy is a healthier environment. Cats should only drink chlorine- and fluoride-free water and should not be exposed to chemical household cleaners. Cats that were on any steroid should immediately be taken off said medication.
The Facts About Kidney Disease
Cause and Effect
Natural Treatments: Diet
Natural Treatments: Lifestyle