How to Get a Copy of Divorce Papers
- 1). Gather the following pertinent information: the full name of husband and wife, including the wife's maiden name, the court case number, the date of the divorce and the city and state where the divorce took place.
- 2). Find the address of the Office of Vital Statistics in the state where the divorce occurred. This information can be found on the official home page of each state.
- 3). Neatly print or type a brief letter requesting the divorce papers. In the letter, note whether certified or non-certified copies of the divorce papers are needed. Include the pertinent information in this request. The requester will also be required to explain his relationship to the parties in the decree and the purpose for which he is requesting copies of the decree. Often the requester must provide proof of identity such as personal driver's license number and the state where it is issued. The requester must sign this request.
- 1). If a person lives near where the divorce occurred, the process is more simple. Gather the pertinent information mentioned above.
- 2). Go to the county courthouse where the divorce was finalized.
- 3). Bring the court case number and fill out a written request at the courthouse.
Long-Distance Method
Local Method