Blood Pressure's Effect on Eye Pressure
- High blood pressure damages the blood vessels in the eye, by weakening the walls of the vessels. Weakened vessels can bleed into the eye causing an increase in pressure.
- High blood pressure also causes fluid build-up under the retina. The excess fluid build up can also increase pressure in the eye.
- High blood pressure may damage the blood vessels that feed the optic nerves and other nerves of the eye. The nerve damage can also contribute to bleeding in the eye and increased pressure.
- The damage from increased eye pressure can cause blurred and distorted vision. In severe cases, it may even cause complete loss of vision.
- Lowering high blood pressure through diet, exercise and medications can also lower eye pressure.
Eye Pressure and Blood Vessels
Blood Pressure and the Retina
Blood Pressure and the Optic Nerve
How Increased Pressure Affects Vision
Lowering Blood Pressure and Eye Pressure