How to Make a Fancy Bank Alt
- 1). Choose the race and class of character that looks best to you. Remember, not every race and class can wear every type of armor or wield every type of weapon. Because of this, you may need to do some research to determine what character template will work best for your bank alt.
- 2). Give your character a name that is memorable and meaningful.
- 3). Level your character up, if necessary. Some of the fanciest armor and more unusual weapons require you to reach a certain level before the character can wear them. Spend a little time each day leveling up your bank alt.
- 4). Shop or quest to find the perfect armor, clothing and weapons for your bank alt. You can often find interesting items on the auction house. However, the cost may be prohibitive unless you have a large amount of in-game gold.
- 5). Add a pet or mount to your character. If you are trying to help your character look like a pirate, you may choose a parrot. If you want a classic fantasy knight, maybe you want to ride a white steed.