Geting a Woman Interested When Time Is Short
Have you ever been in this kind of situation? You meet a woman and start flirting with her, but time is short.
Maybe she's a waitress in a busy restaurant, or a clerk in a store, and you know you only have a few minutes to make your move.
What's the best way to go about it without coming across as though you're begging -- and thereby breaking the flirting mood? I'll give you an example I once learned from a lighting rigger.
He was setting up the lighting for a fashion show and found himself flirting quite successfully with one of the models during the rehearsals.
"We were getting on really well, and I knew it could lead somewhere," he told me.
"But the problem was that once the rehearsal finished, I probably wouldn't see her again -- at least not to be able to talk to her.
So I had to come up with something quickly that would let her know I was interested in her.
" Here's the basis of what he did.
It's a bit audacious so you need to be fairly cocky about it.
And you MUST be in flirting mode -- teasing her and joking with her.
It's much harder if you're involved in a serious conversation.
First, I'll explain the trick, and then I'll tell you how to handle it.
It works like this.
Immediately assume that SHE is the one who's trying to hit on you -- and then talk to her from that viewpoint.
So you might say, for example, "And when did you realize that you were attracted to me?" Or maybe, "I really like the way you're coming onto me.
" Or even, "So you're angling for a date, are you.
" Now one of two things will probably happen.
If she agrees that she IS attracted to you or is coming on to you, or in some way gives you the green light, you're in.
You can get her phone number or make whatever arrangements you want there and then.
But most likely, she's NOT going to agree -- not straight out, anyway.
What you do next is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL.
You must immediately come back by insisting that she IS attracted to you, but that she just doesn't realize it yet -- or words to that effect -- and in the same joking style.
For example, "No, I'm always right about these things.
I have a sixth sense about them.
" Or maybe, "Sure, but you know there's a part of you deep down that really wants to get it off with me, isn't there.
" If she still resists, then come back at her again - jokingly.
I can tell there's something going on at the back of your mind by the way you're looking at me/cocking your head/standing so close to me," (describing something that she's actually doing or a behavior she's exhibiting.
) Above all, no matter how much she disagrees, don't let her win.
Insist that you are right -- that she IS attracted to you.
And for God's sake do it flirtingly -- with lots of teasing and joking.
Then, go straight into offering some sort of resolution -- something like: "You'd better give me your phone number so I can call you, otherwise we're both going to be disappointed that nothing came of this wonderful opportunity.
" Or perhaps, "Let's arrange a date right now.
" (Or however you want to continue it.
) Now, before you go racing off to Starbucks to try this on that cute waitress, let me tell you what you absolutely MUST do.
Say the lines with humor and with TOTAL confidence, as though there's absolutely no doubt in your mind.
And you must stay in flirting mode -- teasing and joking.
Do not get serious.
That would only destroy the fantasy of the flirting and ruin your chances.
HOW THE TRICK WORKS First, when you put the thought to her like that, regardless of what the two of you have been talking about, you're forcing her to consider the possibility of you as a romantic partner.
And once she starts taking that thought on board -- whether she initially agrees with it or not -- it's going to go into her ongoing mental dynamics.
Second, and here's the key to it, your confidence is going to influence her unconscious mind before she's consciously aware of it.
This technique is actually based on one of the most powerful forms of hypnotic indirect suggestion.
It's called 'conscious-unconscious dissociation'.
I can't go into the mechanics of it here.
But essentially what happens is this.
Your comment or question is going to register first in her unconscious mind.
And her unconscious mind is going to start acting upon it -- even if just to consider the possibilities.
Then, when your comment reaches her conscious mind (actually one-fifteenth of a second later), and she 'goes inside' to check, it will already have started to happen.
So what you've done is either uncovered the fact that she IS feeling an attraction for you -- or you have planted some unresolved question in her mind about her attraction to you.
And once you have done that, you're nine-tenths of the way toward getting her to resolve the question herself.
Then, unless she's totally against the idea, you have the best chance of getting some kind of commitment from her -- so long as you're totally confident.
If you don't want to go the whole way, you can make the assumption that she's merely interested in you, or that she's thinking how she'd like to date you or meet you somewhere else.
Whichever, adopt the attitude and DON'T SHIFT FROM IT.
I know it sounds so simple you wouldn't think it could be that effective, but every guy I've taught this trick to swears it really works wonders -- provided you're absolutely confident and quite certain with the girl.
Maybe she's a waitress in a busy restaurant, or a clerk in a store, and you know you only have a few minutes to make your move.
What's the best way to go about it without coming across as though you're begging -- and thereby breaking the flirting mood? I'll give you an example I once learned from a lighting rigger.
He was setting up the lighting for a fashion show and found himself flirting quite successfully with one of the models during the rehearsals.
"We were getting on really well, and I knew it could lead somewhere," he told me.
"But the problem was that once the rehearsal finished, I probably wouldn't see her again -- at least not to be able to talk to her.
So I had to come up with something quickly that would let her know I was interested in her.
" Here's the basis of what he did.
It's a bit audacious so you need to be fairly cocky about it.
And you MUST be in flirting mode -- teasing her and joking with her.
It's much harder if you're involved in a serious conversation.
First, I'll explain the trick, and then I'll tell you how to handle it.
It works like this.
Immediately assume that SHE is the one who's trying to hit on you -- and then talk to her from that viewpoint.
So you might say, for example, "And when did you realize that you were attracted to me?" Or maybe, "I really like the way you're coming onto me.
" Or even, "So you're angling for a date, are you.
" Now one of two things will probably happen.
If she agrees that she IS attracted to you or is coming on to you, or in some way gives you the green light, you're in.
You can get her phone number or make whatever arrangements you want there and then.
But most likely, she's NOT going to agree -- not straight out, anyway.
What you do next is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL.
You must immediately come back by insisting that she IS attracted to you, but that she just doesn't realize it yet -- or words to that effect -- and in the same joking style.
For example, "No, I'm always right about these things.
I have a sixth sense about them.
" Or maybe, "Sure, but you know there's a part of you deep down that really wants to get it off with me, isn't there.
" If she still resists, then come back at her again - jokingly.
I can tell there's something going on at the back of your mind by the way you're looking at me/cocking your head/standing so close to me," (describing something that she's actually doing or a behavior she's exhibiting.
) Above all, no matter how much she disagrees, don't let her win.
Insist that you are right -- that she IS attracted to you.
And for God's sake do it flirtingly -- with lots of teasing and joking.
Then, go straight into offering some sort of resolution -- something like: "You'd better give me your phone number so I can call you, otherwise we're both going to be disappointed that nothing came of this wonderful opportunity.
" Or perhaps, "Let's arrange a date right now.
" (Or however you want to continue it.
) Now, before you go racing off to Starbucks to try this on that cute waitress, let me tell you what you absolutely MUST do.
Say the lines with humor and with TOTAL confidence, as though there's absolutely no doubt in your mind.
And you must stay in flirting mode -- teasing and joking.
Do not get serious.
That would only destroy the fantasy of the flirting and ruin your chances.
HOW THE TRICK WORKS First, when you put the thought to her like that, regardless of what the two of you have been talking about, you're forcing her to consider the possibility of you as a romantic partner.
And once she starts taking that thought on board -- whether she initially agrees with it or not -- it's going to go into her ongoing mental dynamics.
Second, and here's the key to it, your confidence is going to influence her unconscious mind before she's consciously aware of it.
This technique is actually based on one of the most powerful forms of hypnotic indirect suggestion.
It's called 'conscious-unconscious dissociation'.
I can't go into the mechanics of it here.
But essentially what happens is this.
Your comment or question is going to register first in her unconscious mind.
And her unconscious mind is going to start acting upon it -- even if just to consider the possibilities.
Then, when your comment reaches her conscious mind (actually one-fifteenth of a second later), and she 'goes inside' to check, it will already have started to happen.
So what you've done is either uncovered the fact that she IS feeling an attraction for you -- or you have planted some unresolved question in her mind about her attraction to you.
And once you have done that, you're nine-tenths of the way toward getting her to resolve the question herself.
Then, unless she's totally against the idea, you have the best chance of getting some kind of commitment from her -- so long as you're totally confident.
If you don't want to go the whole way, you can make the assumption that she's merely interested in you, or that she's thinking how she'd like to date you or meet you somewhere else.
Whichever, adopt the attitude and DON'T SHIFT FROM IT.
I know it sounds so simple you wouldn't think it could be that effective, but every guy I've taught this trick to swears it really works wonders -- provided you're absolutely confident and quite certain with the girl.