Foods During Pregnancy: Get To Know The Best And Worst Foods
Foods during pregnancy play an essential role in each stage of the pregnancy, both for the mother and her unborn child. This would seem like common sense but it continues to amaze medical professionals how many expectant mothers have a poor knowledge of the correct foods to be consuming, and even more importantly, the foods that they should be avoiding.The foods that you eat during pregnancy have massive implications on the well being and development of your unborn child. Eat the correct foods and your child gets all the necessary nutrients and minerals required. Eat the wrong foods however, and there are numerous complications that can arise, from low birth weight, developmental disorders, behavioural problems, miscarriage and mortality.As an expectant mother, you need to consider the following foods during pregnancy:Fluids: It's vitally important that the mother stays hydrated during pregnancy, as this means that the baby is staying hydrated. This is important as it ensures that all toxins are being excreted as and when required, and is also important for the development of the baby's blood volume. Fresh fruit juices are an adequate substitute if you grow tired of water. Try to limit caffeine intake as some studies have linked caffeine to miscarriage, premature birth and low birth weight. It is also a diuretic which means that it helps to expel fluids from the body which can lead to dehydration and calcium loss.Alcohol: Whatever people may tell you about a glass of wine or beer not doing any harm to your child, there is currently no study to prove this, while there are numerous studies that show the harm that alcohol can cause to your unborn child like stunted physical development, brain damage, and behavioural problems. So it's quite simple: stay away from alcohol.Fish: Fish are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, minerals and Vitamin D, all essential elements for your baby, and should be on the top of your list of foods during pregnancy. On the other hand however, care needs to be taken in fish consumption due to the amounts of pollutants that are now present in our seas, rivers and lakes. The Food Standards Agency (FDA) recommends that pregnant women don't eat shark, swordfish, marlin, or other such large fish, as they can contain dangerous levels of mercury that can build up in the foetus and damage the nervous system. Fish like canned tuna, catfish, cod and shrimp, are good to eat, but in moderation.Ensure that you eat plenty dark green leafy vegetables, oranges, strawberries and tomatoes. These are excellent sources of folic acid, which is necessary for the healthy development of the baby's brain and spinal cord. Lack of folic acid can lead to spina bifida in your baby.A good diet of cheese, yogurt and pasteurised milk, will ensure an adequate supply of calcium to your child, which is necessary for healthy teeth and bones. A lack of calcium during pregnancy can lead to osteoporosis in the mother later in life.Avoid fast foods, junk foods, and highly processed foods where possible. These are rich in processed sugars and fats, are of little or no nutritional value, and will be of no benefit to either you or your baby.A good knowledge of foods during pregnancy will ensure a great start in life for your baby. Isn't this all you really want?