How to Take Photos While Driving
- 1). Prepare yourself. Clean your car windows so you don’t get a reflection of grime. Keep the camera out of its case and handy on the passenger seat next to you within easy reach. If you have a feeling a good shot is coming, turn the camera on and set it in your lap.
- 2). Prop the camera on a steady surface. When a shot does come your way, steady the camera by placing it on an immobile object inside the car. Otherwise, your arm my jiggle and leave you with a blurry mess.
- 3). Snap multiple pictures. Since the odds of getting a perfect shot are against you, make sure to take more than one shot of whatever catches your eye.
- 4). Focus on things in the distance. If you are in a moving car trying to take pictures of closer items, like debris on the side of the road or a sign whizzing by, the camera might not pick it up. Take the shot well in advance. You can always crop the photo to make it closer.
- 5). Aim head-on. To take a photo of what’s directly in front of your car, prop the camera on the top of the steering wheel and snap away.
- 6). Go for a side view. For side angle shots, open the window and prop the camera on the dashboard, seat or something on top of the seat. Aim through the open window.
- 7). Have fun with the mirrors. Mirror shots give the photo an artistic feel and place the subject in context. Rearview mirror shots can capture a scene behind the car or in the back seat. Side view mirrors are good for something you just missed but still want a photo of. Both shots lend themselves well to self portraits.