The Rulers of the Netherlands / Holland
The United Provinces of the Netherlands was formed on January 23 1579, a union of provinces each ruled by a ‘stadholder’, with one often ruling the whole group. In November 1747 the office of the Friesland stadholder became both hereditary and responsible for the whole republic, creating a practical monarchy under the house of Orange-Nassau.
After an interlude caused by the Napoleon Wars when a puppet regime ruled, the modern monarchy of the Netherlands was founded in 1813, when William I (of Orange-Nassau) was declared Sovereign Prince.
His position was confirmed when the United Kingdom Netherlands, which included Belgium, was recognised as a monarchy at the Congress of Vienna in 1815 and he became King. While Belgium has since become independent, the royal family of the Netherlands/Holland has remained. It is an unusual monarchy in that an above average proportion of rulers have abdicated.
This is a chronological list of the people who have ruled the Netherlands; the dates given are the periods of said rule.
United Provinces of the Netherlands (Stadholder)
1579 – 1584 William of Orange, ‘The Silent’ (assassinated)
1584 – 1625 Maurice of Nassau
1625 – 1647 Frederick Henry
1647 – 1650 William II
(1650 – 1672 No General Stadholder)
1672 – 1702 William III (also King of England)
(1702 – 1747 No General Stadholder)
1747 – 1751 William IV
1751 – 1795 William V (deposed)
1795 – 1806 Ruled partly from France, partly as Batavian Republic
Kingdom of Holland (Kings)
Louis Napoleon 1806 – 1810
1810 – 1813 Ruled from France.
Kingdom of the Netherlands (King/Queen)
1813 – 1840 William I (as Sovereign Prince 1813 – 15, abdicated)
1840 – 1849 William II
1849 – 1890 William III
1890 – 1948 Wilhelmina (abdicated)
1948 – 1980 Juliana (abdicated)
1980 - Beatrix
After an interlude caused by the Napoleon Wars when a puppet regime ruled, the modern monarchy of the Netherlands was founded in 1813, when William I (of Orange-Nassau) was declared Sovereign Prince.
His position was confirmed when the United Kingdom Netherlands, which included Belgium, was recognised as a monarchy at the Congress of Vienna in 1815 and he became King. While Belgium has since become independent, the royal family of the Netherlands/Holland has remained. It is an unusual monarchy in that an above average proportion of rulers have abdicated.
This is a chronological list of the people who have ruled the Netherlands; the dates given are the periods of said rule.
United Provinces of the Netherlands (Stadholder)
1579 – 1584 William of Orange, ‘The Silent’ (assassinated)
1584 – 1625 Maurice of Nassau
1625 – 1647 Frederick Henry
1647 – 1650 William II
(1650 – 1672 No General Stadholder)
1672 – 1702 William III (also King of England)
(1702 – 1747 No General Stadholder)
1747 – 1751 William IV
1751 – 1795 William V (deposed)
1795 – 1806 Ruled partly from France, partly as Batavian Republic
Kingdom of Holland (Kings)
Louis Napoleon 1806 – 1810
1810 – 1813 Ruled from France.
Kingdom of the Netherlands (King/Queen)
1813 – 1840 William I (as Sovereign Prince 1813 – 15, abdicated)
1840 – 1849 William II
1849 – 1890 William III
1890 – 1948 Wilhelmina (abdicated)
1948 – 1980 Juliana (abdicated)
1980 - Beatrix