Where Do Your Income Tax Dollars Really Go? Sickening!
There seems to be controversy over where our Income Tax dollars go in funding the various branches of government and the agencies thereof.
I hear people arguing about why so many of our tax dollars go to certain agencies funding specific agenda.
Why wouldn't the majority of people believe what they see and hear on the main stream media news and other publications.
The government even produces charts to show where your Federal Income Tax dollars go in funding government operations.
What if I told you it was a deception and that not one of your Federal Income Tax dollars go directly to the offices or segments of the government they tell you it goes toward? It's true...
One thing almost no one understands is the reality that our income tax is applied only to the interest on the national debt and nothing else? All expenditures listed in various pie charts designating funds to different sectors of government is simply showing the percentages and new amounts borrowed and where they have designated it to go.
Think about the word "debt based" for a moment.
With a "debt based" currency (the dollar), the debt level has to increase by a certain amount every month or the dollar will begin to devour itself.
The very first "Federal Reserve Note" issued was a loan to our federal government with interest.
If the government paid back the only dollar issued, where does the currency to pay the interest on that dollar come from? It needs to be and is created at interest as well.
So they are borrowing the initial loan amount and the interest dollars as well at interest.
So, it is impossible pay down the debt.
This is why it is referred to as a "debt based" currency.
If we pay the debt down, the dollar collapses or will no longer exist because there is nothing of intrinsic value backing the currency.
Google "debt based currency" "fiat currencies" and look on You Tube for more details...
the details are available.
How does this never-ending debt creation affect you and your children's children? We as American citizens became debt slaves in 1913 and to prove this...
find your original birth certificate...
you will have to contact the treasury department to find it because each of our Birth Certificates are traded on the stock market.
Your original birth certificate is sent directly to the Treasury Department at the time of record of birth as collateral for the interest on the debt to the privately held corporation called the Federal Reserve Bank.
Then it is traded on the stock exchange.
I hear people arguing about why so many of our tax dollars go to certain agencies funding specific agenda.
Why wouldn't the majority of people believe what they see and hear on the main stream media news and other publications.
The government even produces charts to show where your Federal Income Tax dollars go in funding government operations.
What if I told you it was a deception and that not one of your Federal Income Tax dollars go directly to the offices or segments of the government they tell you it goes toward? It's true...
One thing almost no one understands is the reality that our income tax is applied only to the interest on the national debt and nothing else? All expenditures listed in various pie charts designating funds to different sectors of government is simply showing the percentages and new amounts borrowed and where they have designated it to go.
Think about the word "debt based" for a moment.
With a "debt based" currency (the dollar), the debt level has to increase by a certain amount every month or the dollar will begin to devour itself.
The very first "Federal Reserve Note" issued was a loan to our federal government with interest.
If the government paid back the only dollar issued, where does the currency to pay the interest on that dollar come from? It needs to be and is created at interest as well.
So they are borrowing the initial loan amount and the interest dollars as well at interest.
So, it is impossible pay down the debt.
This is why it is referred to as a "debt based" currency.
If we pay the debt down, the dollar collapses or will no longer exist because there is nothing of intrinsic value backing the currency.
Google "debt based currency" "fiat currencies" and look on You Tube for more details...
the details are available.
How does this never-ending debt creation affect you and your children's children? We as American citizens became debt slaves in 1913 and to prove this...
find your original birth certificate...
you will have to contact the treasury department to find it because each of our Birth Certificates are traded on the stock market.
Your original birth certificate is sent directly to the Treasury Department at the time of record of birth as collateral for the interest on the debt to the privately held corporation called the Federal Reserve Bank.
Then it is traded on the stock exchange.